A long long time ago a piano manufacturer made a superb grand piano, a pretty good spinet and a fairly okay upright.
Those who could afford the superb piano bought the best. Folks who wanted the best, but couldn't afford it, bought the spinet. Those who wanted
the best they could afford but couldn't afford the spinet bought the upright.
All was well.
Then, some bright soul suggested a better way to sell more pianos!
Why not make in-between models for a wee bit MORE money to capture extra dollars and grant people the sense they were stepping up in value?
So, 5 piano models were subsequently offered; sales went up and up!!
But, wait--there's more!
If that worked--why not add 4 more models and see what happens?
And thus it was done and up up up goeth the sales!
This was called MERCHANDISING.
If a product or service can be offered that is .....BETTER.....or.....CHEAPER....or....MORE ABUNDANT.....or.....ON SALE.....or whatever....the buying public gets to achieve a sense of intelligent participation in acquiring VALUE...more VALUE than otherwise.
The customer feels smart!
I worked in the Art industry for years.
A publisher who had one or two best selling artists might not be able to sell lesser-known art....that is, until BUNDLING became a new strategy.
With BUNDLING the publisher would only sell the BEST-SELLER to you on the condition you purchased a mix of lesser-known artists.
Of course, they would grant you a DISCOUNT on the lesser-selling artists.
It worked.
Lesser-knowns became known. And the publisher saw that it was good.
What does a restaurant do when its hamburger meat is starting to get...um...well....sort of.....out-of-date...but not yet poisonous?
CHILI was invented!