I'm looking for help with a list of scriptures that the JW's mistranslated. I'm thinking this may help to wake some one up. I can think of Rev 1:9 Rev.5:10 and in Luke were they changed the wording to say Covenant from appoint or bestow, but that all i know so far. Please help.
Mistranslated Scriptures
by Crazyguy 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
The problem is: by what standard of exegesis?
Remember, the lovely anointed FDS have a hotline to Jehovah!
That appears to ..um..trump scholarship!
No I'm actually talking about scriptures were they have changed the words to get another meaning like Rev.5:10 their bible reads 'and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth'. Most Translations say including thier own greek interlinear 'they are to rule as kings on the earth'
I'm looking for more scriptures like this.
Julia Orwell
1 Corinthians chapter 14 or thereabouts where they insert [gift of] between 'my' and 'spirit'. Completely changes the meaning. Also the one in Timothy which uses the word Potentate - it's the last few verses of 1 or 2 Tim, can't remember. They've really mashed that one because the original translation supports a view that God=Jesus.
Julia Orwell
Where Paul is talking about his speaking in tongues and praying and that. Also at the beginning of Rev where it says "And I came to be in the Lord's day" ie a vision of the great trib whereas every other translation including the greek says the vision "came to me on the Lord's day" ie Saturday!
Too many scriptures, I only need to open up the NWT read it. Go hmmm, look it up in a different version.
How about how they abuse the bad association spoils useful habit.
Read the entire chapter and you will find the concept is twisted. They just abuse this doctrine sounds good though.
Is it really about the association or the conversation?
Paul was warning the new disciples to watch their converstion because they were still new and could be convinced easy against Jesus Christ. Paul did not tell them that association with pagans were bad association.But many bibles say bad association.
Now, how does the JW use it against their own people!
They make the people bad association when Paul just wanted them to change conversation. Throw out the bath water,conversation,not the baby,association.
Some times it really is looking at concepts they twisted.
Recently, I had to look something up an the NWT found an entire thought wrong. I believe it had something to do with independent thinking. Not in the other bibles. Exerciseing faith. Exercise was not there.
Julia Orwell
Yes, "exercising faith" and "undeserved kindness" as opposed to what the Greek words say, "believing" and "grace". Biblehub.com has some good Greek interlinear research tools.
The famous John 1:1
Julia Orwell
Whoa that's a can of worms that will side track rather than lead to productive discussion. I avoid John 1:1 like a JW their dfd child.
But the question is not THAT easy, is it? If you say that something is a false translation or mistranslated - then compared to what? Or to which translation? Can we say that a translation is wrong, just because it differs from an older translation? Just because a translation - as a whole or of a certain passage - is old and/or widely used, it does not have to mean it is correct. For each and every NWT verse some would choose to call a false translation, one could just as easily point to other verses in other versions or translations and call THEM false translations. There is a huge difference between a translation which is different from how the verse is translated by other versions of the Bible, but where the transalation is within the realms of what is possible - and a translation where grammar rules and word meanings seem to have been deliberately broken or changed to force the verse to state what your pet opinion wishes it to state. John 1:1 is no example of the latter, and neither are 90 % of the so-called examples of falsely translated verses in the NWT. I think you should start by reading Jason BeDuhn's Truth in Translation.
We do not speak KJV English any more. Languages change. New manuscripts are found. Our knowledge about the world 2,000 years ago increase. If you do not speak NT Greek yourself, you really are in no position to utter an opinion on the matter, because you then have to rely on what experts say, and you have to "pick your experts", choose between them. As long as you do not master NT Greek yourself, all you have is hearsay.