Hubby and I are getting ready to start. Looking for some input, if you have any. Thanks!
Anyone here tried the PALEO DIET?
by StAnn 33 Replies latest social physical
Is that the Caveman meat diet? Tons of protein and whatnot?
I've been looking into it, love my carbs though, tough to give up
It is a caveman/woman diet. Meat with lots of veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds, and eggs. Need to eat lots of veggies and fruits. It's supposed to be very good for people (like me) who have diabetes. Do you know anything about it?
I haven't but it sounds like basically "lots of natural food" so I can't imagine it wouldn't be anything but good (as long as the foods are natural and chemical / pesticide free).
I haven't done it. When i read up on it, it seemed to be the cure for many chronic diseases. That is simply because its on what we humans evolved. Its what our bodies are best adapted to. Europeans have adapted somewhat though, to dairy products and are a bit less susceptible to diabetes than native americans are. They can hold their beer better, too.
I have a friend who is really into the Paleo Diet right now, so I did some research on it.
If you're doing it for health reasons, that's fine. But the scientific premise it is based on has been thoroughly debunked:
1. Agricultural diets of today make us chronically ill.
2. We need to eat more like our ancestors 10,000 years ago.
3. We know that these ancestral diets had "a lot of meat".
4. If we follow this ancient diet, it will improve our health and we will live longer.
Hummingbird, thanks. I was thinking that, once we lose enough weight, we could always add in some brown rice or quinoa to reintroduce healthy grains.
Yes, resolving to eat healthier is always good! I recently saw some free Paleo recipe books for Kindle.
I am reading a book about it called Paleofantasy, it is basically debunking the idea that we can improve our health by trying to live like people from the Paleolithic period. In the first place, we don't actually know what they ate. Sure, some ate a lot of meat, but also lots of other things. Also, different groups ate different things, depending on climate, food availability, etc., and over time they have adapted to eat those foods. For example can eat dairy, some cannot, but there are three different genetic mechanisms that allowed people to digest dairy, different groups developed different genetic changes. The main point of the book is that we have evolved from Paleolithic man and are still evolving, so that diet is not necessarily better for us.