The First Murder Broadcast Live On TV
by Bangalore 12 Replies latest jw friends
A question
Hi Bangalore, you have a PM.
James Brown
Those were the good old days, small government.
You got a Ford Station wagon Ambulance.
Here in Florida if a cat gets stuck in a tree they send out 2 big boxed van ambulances
a hook and ladder and a pumper. And about 25 city workers.
No wonder things are so expensive today.
Band on the Run
I was in sixth grade. When JFK's assasination hit the school, I was the only girl not crying hysterically. My parents have my bro and I in front of the TV set to see history. We have to stop watching the news, though, if one of them must leave the room b/c they want to limit our vulnerability to events. I saw it live. I never saw a man murdered before my eyes before.
After working just a bit in law enforcement, I now see the old tapes and cannot fathom what the Dallas police were doing. The press did make comments about how a presidential assassin could be shot down before being fully debriefed and secured. They should have screamed at the top of their lungs what they witnessed it.
I am no conspiracy fantasist. You don't need to read any books or watch any documentaries to know that what happened was not kosher.
I never saw this detail, is there somebody playing a piano keyboard as sound effect?
as in movie cutting room? for dramtic effect?
That Cronkite fellow is suspicious - anything bad happens and up he pops. Coincidence? I don't think so.
I never saw this detail, is there somebody playing a piano keyboard as sound effect?
The man in white was Dallas detective Jim Leavelle and no, he wasn't playing a keyboard
so, was that keyboard airbrushed in later? he seems to follow our piano teachers hand positions instruction.
There is no TV/ film murder without sound effects, surely.
lesson: JWN contributors, wtwatchers will spot anomalities, on and off the pages of the publications.
Beware of publishing fakes, fables.