simple question: if the GB of 1919 vintage is the only and true F&DS, and ---

by prologos 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    it is only the "duely appointed" presently 8=1 slave, or their overlapping successors that get the reward, according to scripture, after their rapture,

    How about the other 139 992 non-slaves, are they disqualified from the reward since they were never recognized as the F&DS?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    There was no governing body in 1919.

    Next question.

    It may seem like a simple question, but you are starting a journey into the labyrinth that is WT theology. It's best not to go there.

  • prologos

    ADCMS, thank you, cant correct the headline, but:

    Rutherford had /was a body, governing for sure, had his minnions, and wt implies continuity since then, but the question stands, even the flaw has relevance.

    think about this question, answer it please, if you care, before passing to the next. one at a time.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    I was not trying to be dismissive of your topic. I answered in all seriousness. I know the WT "implies" that there's been a GB since 1919, but it simply is not true. An official WT GB did not exist until the early 1970's, and it was only a "puppet" group in place for one reason only: to comply with the legal requirements for being a religious corporation.

    The WT also claims there was a GB in the first century. That being the case, any claims they make about any alleged GB in 1919 are also equally as untenable.

    The WT was a monarchy up into the reign of Nathan Knorr. It wasn't until well into his presidency that a 'governing body' had any say whatsoever.

    This is thoroughly documented in Crisis of Conscience. If you've not read it yet, it would be worthwhile. Ray explains all these issues in great detail.

    Rutherford had /was a body, governing for sure

    Not true. WT publications themselves bear out that Rutherford was a "one man show" and neither had a GB nor consulted with one. In fact, it was Rutherford's utter refusal to recognize the authority of the WT's Board of Directors that resulted in their dismissal and Rutherford's hijacking of the WT, making himself it's supreme leader. The "Proclaimers" book describes this in relation to Rutherford's publication of the book, "The Finished Mystery", which he produced without the knowledge or consent of his so-called gb/minions

  • prologos

    and I dont call you shirley: very true: I am not questioning their claim but

    If Jesus said that the FDS is the one that gets the reward. and

    only the entity that started with R. in 1919 IS the F&DS, then

    only they think they will claim the reward to the exclusion of the 139 992 current others, no?

    an extraordinary claim or flaw in fable application.?

    At least with the old "continuing slave class" explanation all could be included in the masters approval and reward ?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    and only the entity that started with R. in 1919 IS the F&DS, then only they cam claim the reward to the exclusion of the 139 992


    This is why I said you are going into a labyrinth of WT theology.

    The WT has claimed there's been a continual line of FDS since the first century (but cannot be identified as such).

    CT Russell was the modern-day FDS. Now he has been demoted and excluded.

    Then WT claimed the FDS is all anointed ones. All but the GB are now excluded.

    With the 7-15-13 WT, only the GB is the FDS.

    So technically, yes, all 143,992 (not 139,992) people formerly known as the FDS are excluded.

    Getting back to the original point, WT claims there was a GB in 1919, but their own literature shows that not to be true. It's a classic case of sounding good...until you actually read what's been published.

  • prologos

    ADCMS: thank you for your "Yes" . to my (re-worded) question: if the latter day Brooklyn few are the only F&DS, the only ones rewarded and appointed over all,

    where does that leave the previous hard working feeders of the sheep? in limbo, the cold?

    And see the arithmetic glitch, the 4000 error that you caught, as an indication of how long this process of having an overlapping / replacment GB F&DS of 8-12 could go on.

    technically speaking.

  • sd-7
    How about the other 139 992 non-slaves, are they disqualified from the reward since they were never recognized as the F&DS?

    Supposedly, they get the same reward, by virtue of being anointed; it's just that they don't have the responsibility to feed everybody inside the congregation like the GB does. Since the anointed and great crowd are now essentially equals, they just have to maintain faithful service--presumably extremely 'exemplary' service--to get the heavenly reward. I would guess that means adoption by holy spirit (that is, the heavenly hope) is no longer directly tied to feeding the congregation as a whole, and I suppose it never was, given that most of the anointed weren't involved in that process anyway.


  • Splash

    You are missing a key point.

    The GB are not the FDS, but 'brothers taking the lead at HQ' are the FDS.

    Today that equates to the GB but historically it was just as described. It therefore doesn't matter when the GB was officially formed.

    Clever hey!


  • prologos

    according to fresh* light : they, at headquarters (love that word, clicking my heels) are the FDS only IF they are voting, acting TOGETHER on any one decision.

    do wt writer have a vote on the GB FDS?

    * "FRESH light" new theocratic, pure language term from wt 2013/07/15 page 17 par. 8

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