Doesn't the GB called themselves the faithful slave? If they are truly the faithful slave are they not supose to be slaving for us and not us for them? After all they are the slave not us. I always thought a slave serves others not us serving them. Just a thought. Totally ADD
Another problem with "new light"
by leaving_quietly 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Totally add, I always endeared myself to the (other) elders when my comment went like this,
We know that slavery is outlawed now, nevertheless we are priviledged here to own so many good slaves,
for Jesus that "the one who wants to be first among you. has to be your slave."
of course many elders have to admit, that ambition (or that of their wifes) playes a part in their position seeking, but realize that it makes them obligated to submit to slavery.
They blunt that reality by slaving for the WTBtS inc instead of the needy.
Julia Orwell
So...if the GB is our SLAVE...we should call the shots.
Ms Orwell, just because they (all discussed here) are SLAVES of one kind or another,
or master marksmen/women, calling the shots or REFEREES., the final UMPIRES.
but it would be foolish to eat food served, that is proved to be not done to recipee.
or have a rating system of good places to eat, Micheline style.
Julia and Micheline, the connesseours