SITTINGSTRAIGHT- Welcome to the board ! Nice to have you here. You are among friends here- many of us are faded, inactive, or no longer practicing former JW's ourselves who have or are experiencing your same treatment. I haven't attended for almost 10 years and have 2 adult JW daughters who have shunned me that whole time essentially. And I'm inactive like you.
So the advice a couple people have given you here like Oubilette and Lisa Rose I totally agree with and you need to be cautious as to what you say to your daughter. Especially if she has just been reinstated as she is even MORE fanatic now - wanting to " prove " herself allegedly to the WT organization. But yes- telling her you have been offended by elders or just that you have doubts, but tell her it's personal , it's caused you depression and that you are dealing with it may be sufficient. I wouldn't go into ANY details as your daughter may feel more allegiance to the elders or WT representatives than you- then she could make your situation harder than it already is . Just stay on non-JW topics with your daughter asking about her health, how her work, home life or kids are doing.
If you get a chance my friend- what really helped me after exiting the Witnesses was reading Steve Hassan's books on mind control. The one titled " Releasing the Bonds - Empowering others to Think For Themselves " is really a good book which helped me to not only understand HOW the WT Society tried controlling my mind for 44 years from birth, but it has helpful ideas in how we can assist our JW relatives or any high controlled organization member for that matter to gradually see the way to think with reality on their own without the high control that organizations like JW's implement into people's minds in being TOLD what to think- thus not using critical thinking ability. I think reading that book or any of Steve Hassan's 3 books will really help you to see what you are dealing with here. It's a psychological manipulation from the WT Society actually that has a hold of your daughter- and there are ways to deal with it- carefully though. These books really helped me too in dealing with my JW relatives still in the organization.
I wish you the best ! Hang in there, we are here for you as a friend and support system, O.K. ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper