Anyone ever written an ''Assertive' letter to GB ?
by *lost* 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Phone Brooklyn, ask for anthony Morris the third.... There are youtube videos of people calling Giv bod like this and having conversations.
Nah snare - it's got to be in writing, everything, always, no matter what in life, as best as possible, should be dealt with in written format.
even if it is taking notes, so one can pull said notes and clarify what was said.
When something is in written format (on Paper) it becomes set in stone, evidence.
One has to be clever, and play the game, like setting a trap, and luring it in.
The old saying, 'give them enough rope and they will hang themselves'.
What I would like to do. Would be to get everybody to add a written summary, collect as many of them as is possible, strength in numbers,
and formulate a bang on letter, assertive, not aggressive, but not pussy footing round them, forceable like.
that letter 'file' would be a valuable assest for evidence, like 'victim impact assessment', hard copy, available for anyone that may need it.
Play footsie with WT for a little while, ( have a little sport )presuming there would be a response, if not, don't matter none, but the key for me would be to 'keep on knocking' lol, hounding, with little follow up letters, all done nice and polite and by the book.
Then, when the time is right, send copies of said file, to every organisation in the world that deals with all of the seperate issues individually, thereby uniting them, bringing them together to form a little army, strength in numbers, a highly publicised campaign, a blitz, pressure, pressure, pressure. Nothing they could do about it.
they would at the very least, be made world wide to look either like fools, or the B'stards they are.
I mean, if everyone added to the list their little bit, every little bit of dirt and fluff, it would grown into a big ball. a wrecking ball.
Of course people could use alias's if they have to protect their identity, and they state why so.
Time is running out, they will tie up the courts in legal speak and spin and it will drag out for years, possibly 5 yrs.
They are planning and scheming and hiding stuff and doing all sorts, I bet ya money on it.
By then, they will have formulated and executed their plan, and they will be gone. Devious fukkers need to be treated like for like.
They gonna buy time till warwick is finished, the palace in the country, and they gonna shut the door and flip the birdie to all the jw's and everyone else.
why wouldn't they. It willbe FU, but in a nice way. some bllsht double speak. 100 yrs is nearly up, they have made the money, they have got everything stashed.
It is getting urgent now, to do something, to slow them down and fk them up, before they succeed.
They cannot be allowed to get away with it. Think about it.
Band on the Run
Ive worked many hours on letters that were never mailed. It helped my rage. No one will even read it. They don't care. Public officials and major corporations keep track of their mail to see a good cross-section of what people care about. Bethel doesn't care. It may have for a short while in Russell's day but not since then.
My m.o. which I do not practice here is: Living well is the best revenge. The opposite of love is not hate but indifference.
Rather than waste my time and part of a nice tree, go out and enjoy yourself. I can't prove this but I truly believe the upper echelon know exactly what they are doing. They just do not care. History provides many examples of dictators who just did not care even when it was their self-interest to care. I don't understand it.
I'm not talking about revenge, which is in my opinion a dish best served cold.
I'm talking about accountability.
I'm talking about constructive pressure.
when enough pressure is apllied to something, it will eventually reach it's breaking point.
You can 'force' something to break, just by chipping away, takes a long time, but eventually, something has got to give.
Just like revolutions, it is the sheer force of numbers.
look at the RCChurch, it has finally caugth up with them. Sheer force of numbers and persistence.
Those who shout loudest get heard, those that are quiet, get ignored.
Back in the day I wrote letters to the writing department. They weren't "assertive". My letters were sincerely questioning and were about concerns and inconsistencies in articles and teachings and I really wanted answers.
Know what I got in return? - politely written generic-type letters that didn't address everything I asked.
The moral of the story was that I knew there were no answers and they didn't want you asking questions.
Marvin Shilmer
“Anyone ever written an ''Assertive' letter to GB?”
Yes. Plenty of Jehovah’s Witnesses have written assertive letters to Watchtower on subjects of doctrine, policy, abuses of authority and others. I’ve written some myself over the years when the subject was worthy of putting pen to paper rather than just talking with Brooklynites. I’ve also seen many letters sitting at Watchtower sent in by hundreds of other people amongst Jehovah’s Witnesses who were pretty point-blank with a complaint or dissenting view. At one time Watchtower responded to these letters, though recipients sometimes waited for many months for the reply. Today Watchtower does not respond as liberally as in yesteryears.
When authors were congregation elders—and a lot of this sort of letter used to come from congregation elders—Watchtower would be polite in their reply and would not cause problems for the individual. That is, unless the individual began making waves locally or elsewhere over their issue of concern. Then Watchtower would have them expelled if they didn’t pipe-down.
Amongst our JWN participants there is a member who recently inherited a literal boatload of such letters, including Watchtower responses. Eventually all this stuff will be published for folks to read and make of it what they will.
Marvin Shilmer
I believe they have shut the door now anyway, bethel no longer take questions from the rank and file. You would never know that supposedly they were 'serving' those very people would you.