So, Whats the real reason JWs are no concessions open at the DC and are discouraged from supporting nearby vendors?

by BU2B 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bob_NC

    It's all about MONEY. You go out to eat, you are not as inclined to put MONEY in the contribution boxes. Pack a cheap lunch and stay at the convention and have to look at all the contribution boxes for 1 1/2 hours.

    By the way, local vendors are ticked that they cannot open during a WT convention.

  • infernosdante

    i dont think i ever went to dc or ca that when the accounts report was read there wasnt a deficit,every time,this always made me think oh yea im sure theres a deficit,its about the money.

  • LostGeneration

    Money first, control second.

    The whole "simplifying" deal was to make the troops buy and bring their own lunch, I can't see they made much if anything on the old food system. Couldn't you get a swiss miss pudding for 3 tickets, like $.30 cents. And the sandwiches were like a buck right? Even 20 years ago that wasn't much. ... Oh and the Cheese danish in the AM, damn those were good. Maybe if they brought that shit back I'd become an JW again.........NOT!

    The control part is basically what has been mentioned. Don't want anyone back late, don't want them taking the afternoon off. Oh and they want them bullshitting with the other JWs about the "Spiritual paradise" and "fine food" being provided by the FDS.

  • Violia

    I see it as Legal money and control , in that order. The wts has been run by lawyers for many years now. They are so afraid of being sued and losing money and bad publicity.

  • wasblind

    Actually, they went down. Before that people were expected to donate for the food even though there were no longer any set prices.____Blondie


    A lot of these folks work free for a publishin' Co.

    where they gonna get the money from to donate


  • whathehadas

    "Even 20 years ago that wasn't much. ... Oh and the Cheese danish in the AM, damn those were good. Maybe if they brought that shit back I'd become an JW again.........NOT!" LostGeneration

    Man you had me rolling LMAO! Damn, I remember those Sara Lee Cheese Danishes too! I was soo HAPPY to get to the DC's and CA's in the morning JUST for those Danishes. The cheese danish and those ice cold and partially frozen orange juices made my day. Come to think of it, that was the ONLY reason I like going as a kid. Oh.....maybe the Ice Cream too that was thru the soft serve machine at the Woodland Hills assembly hall. I think I was one of the main reasons they stop serving food. I use to abuse the food provision LOL. About 3 cheese danishes and maybe a apple one also. Then for lunch.....A chicken sandwich, pudding, and those Shasta sodas. LOL those were the days. I might come back as a JW just for that......but leave and go to my car for a nap before each program!

  • infernosdante

    ours had good pizza

  • LostGeneration

    and partially frozen orange juices made my day.

    WTF? They were always like that in my area as well. Something verrrrrrry, verrrrrrry, CREEPY about that! What, was there some food service procedure manual that told them to remove the OJ from the freezer exactly four hours before serving?

  • Shador

    I loved the pasta salad at lunch. Mmmm...

    .... damnit. Now I'm hungry.

  • Quendi

    Even though the WTS has tried to compare its large gatherings to the yearly festivals celebrated in Israel of old, those comparisons are false. The biblical festivals were really joyful events, large family reunions as it were. Consideration was given to women and children in that their attendance was encouraged but not required. So a family could decide not to make the journey to Jerusalem if that would create hardships. Menfolk were commanded to attend, but again, this wasn’t a time of sitting for long hours and listening to boring, inappropriate and tactless speeches. These were festivals that began and ended with a “holy convention” but had other days that were given over to rejoicing and recounting one’s blessings. Nothing the WTS has staged can even come close to what Passover, Weeks, Booths, Purim and Dedication meant to the ancient Jews.

    So allowing Witnesses to sit down to a merry meal, extensively fellowship and visit with others, and take time to reflect on accomplishments of the past year would take the spotlight off the WTS and its controlling and manipulative officers and onto the rank-and-file and possibly onto God himself. People might actually begin to think for themselves again, and no cult wants that.

    The money aspect can’t be overlooked either. Money spent on restaurant or concession stand food is money that isn’t deposited into contribution boxes. The organization is run by money-lovers of the first degree who want to fleece their flock. The district and international conventions are not the eight-day meetings of yore, but they are still a big source of revenue.


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