Feeling Guilty

by naazira 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    You do/face the things that make us feel guilty. Guilt free drinking, guilt free flutter gamble, guilt free swearword, guilt free smoke a joint, guilt free sleeping in on sundays, guilt free saying happy birthday, guilt free sex, guilt free birthday cake.....

    It gets sooo very easy to let go of the guilt.

  • Comatose

    Understand god made prehistoric man and let them live in sin and then die. No savior. Adam and Eve are myths. Religion is unnecessary. Be glad you don't have to go through the convention ordeal. Read Crisis of Conscience instead.

  • Dazeds Better Half
    Dazeds Better Half

    This will be my first convention/ assembly that I will miss. I think it feels wonderful and I'm currently not feeling any guilt. I guess it just depends on why you wont be attending. I dont feel its different from any other meeting.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    You can't be expected to honestly "trust your own heart" in this matter. In order to judge whether you should feel guilty for not attending the Discrap Crapvention, we have presented your case to a jury of your peers. Here is their verdict...


  • Tech49

    I attended this years DC recently. This was the first year of really being awake and aware, and I was just flabbergasted at the inordinate amount of the same-ole same-ole !!

    The talks were BORING ! O.....M....G.... 3 days of the same stuff over and over again.... You don't do enough, simplify, go out in service more, dont be infected by apostates, pray more and all will work out, you dont need an education, trust Mother, study in OUR publications only. RINSE, REPEAT.......

    This year I did more walking around than ever before, and I didnt feel guilty ONE LITTLE BIT. I went out and sat in the car for a bit, and was pretty surprised by the amount of people just out walking around mid-session! Guess they were bored too!

    May I remind you folks in the Convention Department, that Stadium Seats are not meant to be camped in for 3 DAYS! Lordy, my back and legs were dying! I saw little kids around me just in agony! I thought to myself........"they have absolutely NO desire to be here, forced to sit on a cold hard aluminum BENCH, for 3 DAYS! I had an older couple behind me mutter....."that kid needs a good spanking..." I turned around and said "hey, lighten up, maybe he's 3, and maybe he cant stand it any more, he's just bored!" They told my daughter she needed to be quiet and stop having so much fun visiting with her friends, "...you should know better young lady!" OMG seriously!!


    I heard MANY complaints, from other families, including "elder wives", that they didnt get alot out of the program, and that it sounded pretty much the same as all the other DC's in the past. If it wasnt for the endless change of speakers every 10 minutes, a new release of this or that, 2 dramas, a sound drama, we all would have fallen asleep.

    The visiting brother from Bethel was an old codger that was so monotone and dull, it was plain ridiculous! Worship, kneel, oh what a privilige!!!

    The manuscript talks that are give nowadays are flat, lifeless, and have no general character. No more spontaneous experiences or personal "flair" from each speaker, READ WHAT IS ON THE SHEET you robot. The experiences are lifeless and embellished upon.

    One quick one: We were at the hotel, an upper end one mind you, eating breakfast, and this same gal would come down about the same morning, all 3 days, with her kids. She was a big lady, probably 300# easy, ate like a horse, biscuits and gravy piled high! Rude, loud, downright not nice to her kids, oblivious to the people around her just trying to get out the door. DC badges in plain sight, ......My kids and I just looked at her and shook our heads.

    Sure enough, during one of the talks, there she is onstage, whining about how bad her health is, life is so hard, blah blah blah, and just can't wait for the Paradise to cure all her ills !! *face-palm* doh! Nice. Is it really that hard to find good experiences, or are we resorting to just making this stuff up??? Never mind, don't answer that....

    Remember when they would gather experiences from all 3 days, and relate a few of them on Sunday afternoon?? Gone, no more. Remember when the visiting speaker would be a GOOD ONE, and would be funny and light, tell a few personal jokes or details about himself, use the last part on Sunday to relate some PERSONAL experiences, or updates at the branch, and you could count on him going overtime, getting carried away with telling us about the GOOD things that were happening, including things that took place RIGHT HERE, at this venue? We all kind of looked forward to it in a way, because it left you feeling like you were a part of something bigger. Now, GONE. Program ends at 3:50, on the dot. No fooling around, no anecdotes. Just BLAH BLAH BLAH, Drive safely, sing. Pray. CLAP CLAP CLAP. Oh we are SOOOO BLESSED!

    I was glad it was over. Nothing like PAYING (hotels, meals, gas, etc) to be BORED out of one's SKULL!

    Lesson: Dont feel guilty, do what's best for you and your family.

    Jack Harper, Tech49

  • *lost*

    Loubelle .... guilt free smoke a joint .. lol .. many.

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