Does anyone know Greg personally?
I'm intrigued by the comments made regarding the recent release of his Dissertations, and can't help but adimre him for the nobility of his intent. It seems to me he's a victim of the delusion that the beliefs of JWs are intellectually defensible and can withstand the test of empiricism and hard, objective scrutiny.
I can't help but wonder how he's regarded by his peers in the local congregation, the local elders ad Circuit Overseer whether he holds any JW office (elder, ministerial servant, etc), whether he gives lectures, parts on the meeting, etc. and what the JW braintrust in Brooklyn make of him.
For the Bethel leadership he represents a real dilemma; i.e whether to (1) tolerate, (2) ignore or (3) discipline him. I'm sure they would prefer the third option; but how do they do so to a loyal if honestly critical apologist without showing their imperious, autocratic, intolerant sides to the public?