I have this site as a bookmark, no problem, show my wife some stuff, she is sort of leading lady inn the cong,if you understand what i mean, we have no problem widh reading here, and even discuss, why, well intresting to se what happend inn on the other site of the coin.
IF i must bee honest, it was last summer cinvention and the drama of kora and his sons, i was very conufused, what was this, never hird that it was so bigg problem, well no when I find this sites, i understand littel more,and why they hade this as a bigg drama.
I have a bigg disscusion widh a minstral servant who is my near friend, abaout whats happend now, we have the same look, and I think a lot have,we have some bigg wolfs inn our leadership, butwe think jehova will take care of them , perhaps it must go some time , but to much peopel are badely hurt, and i dont think this is the will of Jesus and jehova, inn time we will have other leaders who is more loving.