This is comparable to living in a monastery--maybe less stringent, but the rules are there. Try going into a monastery before you reach age 18. You can't even be confirmed into the cat lick church until you are 12. And the mainline cat lick church is significantly less stringent than the jokehovian witlesses.
What they are being expected to do goes against nature. How does a child understand what "no fornication" means? They might understand when they are 14 or 15, but 5 and 6? At that age, they should be learning and playing, not preaching. And I bet they will be required to waste all school vacations doing the deadest work of them all. Plus the list of things they are not allowed to do--it all goes against nature.
Yet, they have the nerve to bash Satan for dedicating children. With Satan, you are not expected to go against nature. Rather, you are supposed to learn things--astrology, magic, witchcraft, and so on. There are no strict rules--the jokehovians can accuse Satan of wanting you to smoke all they want. Last I knew, Satan will accept anyone while they are still smoking (if they do), but will offer assistance to anyone wishing to quit the weed. Does joke-hova offer assistance other than threats? Or, what happens when you slip up? Does joke-hova offer real assistance, or just that account in the LIE-ble where Moses drew the water out of the rock and forgot (legitimate forgot) to credit joke-hova? You suffer problems, do you get real help or just another worn-out lecture that comes out of the fictitious account of Job?
Since they are going so much against valid human nature, why are they allowed to be baptized this young? How young can you be and buy beer or cigarettes? How young can you be and get your drivers license? What is the sex age of consent? (Bear in mind that sex is far less serious than committing to this soul-damnation organization.) When is the last time you saw a 5 year old going into a coin shop alone and buying a silver quarter? If these children can't even buy silver alone at their age, why are they allowed to get baptized into a damnation organization?