Good day, all... and may you all have peace!
I would like to respond, if I may. Thank you!
The "problem" here is the statement "Bible Faith". What IS "Bible Faith"? Faith in the Bible? Faith in what the Bible SAYS? But does not the Bible itself STATE in what... or rather WHOM... we are to 'exercise' faith? Does it say "have faith in the Bible"? Does it say that anyone SAID that? Or does it have a record of my Lord saying, "Exercise faith... IN GOD... AND... in the One whom He sent forth?"
The "problem" with exercising faith in the Bible... is that the Bible... cannot give you life... nor can it grant you entry into a time and place not discernable by our faculties of this world. All it can DO... it tell you about the experiences of OTHERS... and what they had to say about it. If, however, you want to know of things UNSEEN, that is, with the physical eyes, things that exist not beyond this planet Earth, but beyond the physical realm entirely, then you have to go through the DOOR.
By going through that Door, you CAN receive 'evident demonstration of realities'. But, unfortunately, we tend to place WAY more emphasis on the flesh, and ITS capabilities (limited as they are), rather than on the SPIRIT, which we all possess... but do not know how to 'walk' by.
As with the flesh being 'of no use at all', so, too, the Bible's use is limited. Quite. And it records that very fact therein at John 5:39, 40.
So, why doesn't "GOD" just reveal Himself and stop hiding from us? Dear ones, HE does not hide from us. Rather, like Adam... it is WE that hide... from Him. How so? By not wanting to confess our errors and account to Him. Why? Several reasons:
1. We don't feel have anything TO confess. Wrong, for ALL have fallen short...
2. We don't feel we HAVE to confess. Wrong, for ALL will render an accounting...
3. We don't feel we SHOULD confess. Wrong, for if we humble OURSELVES before God, HE will exalt us...
4. We don't feel He exists. Wrong, for He does... but He can only be SEEN by those who believes He exists for it is only TO such ones that He will reveal Himself, by means of Christ.
What stands in the way between us and God? One thing... and in many ways: our flesh. THAT... is the 'curtain' that separates us from God, dear ones. You see, Adam was made in the 'image' of God and so did not have the type of flesh that SEPARATED him from God. His flesh... was 'clean'. It was created in cleanliness and had no sin... no CORRUPTION... and thus, no DEATH... in it. That is what makes it 'clean'. However, when he disobeyed... and thus BECAME blemished... he was given a 'long garment of skin'... to COVER... his 'blemish'... his uncleanliness. Which 'skin'... he passed on to his progeny.
We, dear ones, exist in that same skin... and it HIDES our 'errors'. How so? Truly, does anyone REALLY know what exists in you... what things you have thought... and done... but YOU? Not if you haven't told anyone, yes? But, just like God knew what Adam had done... and Cain... He knows what YOU have done... in your heart... and in deed.
But no one of us is more 'guilty' than any other one of us; again, ALL have fallen short. NO ONE... save my Lord... is 'perfect'... as we say. But, we dear ones... can do what Adam and Cain FAILED to do... which is ACKNOWLEDGE OUR SIN AND ERROR... and STOP TRYING TO HIDE IT FROM GOD. He knows it's there, so you are insulting Him by trying to act as if it is not! You can fool mankind, perhaps, but you cannot fool Holy Spirit. So why try?
My dear ones, my Lord did NOT turn himself away from sinners. In fact, he ate and drank with sinners, some of them of the most gravest type. But... HE ABHORRED AND REJECTED HYPOCRITES! Do you not see that when you read the accounts about him? Did he condemn the prostitute? The adulteress? The extortioner? The tax collector? The murderer? Or did he condemn those who 'bind up heavy loads' on others that 'they themselves cannot carry', those who put people BACK under a Law that they themselves could not fulfill?!
No, my Lord accepted ALL who came to him, in contrition and humility, who were not haughty, but recognized and acknowledged what they were... and simply asked for merciful consideration... and forgiveness. And he granted it to each one... simply and solely... because he WANTED to. He LOVED them.
Do you want to 'see' God, dear ones? Then you MUST learn... and know LOVE. For God IS love... manifested to us in His Son... who set the EXAMPLE of how WE must love, too. Without hypocrisy. Willingly. With pity and compassion. Openly. Honestly. Without... fear.
Know love... WITHOUT hypocrisy... and you will know God and Christ. Know God and Christ... WITHOUT hypocrisy... and you will know love.
Please note, however, that such love is NOT 'unconditional'. For if you truly love God... and Christ... then you will 'obey [His] commandments'. And they are NOT the 'ten commandments', but the commandment TO love... even your enemies... and when it is in your power to do so... to feed the hungry... to house the homeless... to look after widows and orphans... to give what you CAN... WHEN you can... out of your 'surplus'... AND... out of YOUR 'want'.
I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,