Check out this conversation, between my sister(non-JW) and my brother (JW elder)

by jam 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    Not verbatim but give you an idea.

    Sister; Why are you closer to jam ex wife and husband and

    shunn your flesh and blood.

    Brother: because she following Jehovah,s commands and

    jam have turn his back on Jehovah and living a sinful life.

    Sister: but isn,t that between him and God.

    Brother: I don,t think jam believe in God anymore.

    Sister: again, isn,t that between him and God? I know

    he have doubts, but he still my brother.

    Brother: yes, but the bible tell us not to associate with such ones.

    Sister: what do you think will happen? When this side of the family

    (non-JW,s) get togather we have a great time. We do not discuss

    religion. Do you think jam jump around telling us, he worship the

    devil or we are nuts because we believe in God, no he respect

    our belief.

    Now this when it get funny,

    Brother: look at jam lifestyle, he is living with a woman and not

    married, he went back to smoking and now he visit the Casinos.

    Sister: so now you are judging all of us because we visit the

    casinos. We have a great time.

    As for as jam living with his woman, they have been togather

    20 years next year. Why are you judging, that,s between him

    and God.

    Brother: well it,s different with you, jam knew the truth you

    on the other hand have have not come to know Jehovah.

    Sister: no think you , I don,t want to know him.

    My sister is very active in her church, so now my idiot brother insulted

    her faith and told her, you are worshipping a false God and you

    will burn in hell because you gamble. What a knuckle head...

  • sd-7

    Hey, this is what everybody with JW family has to deal with. My mom just got rid of a bunch of 'evil' video games, wanted to avoid giving them to me for fear they'd be 'too much of a temptation' and would 'drive me further away from Jehovah'. So the judgmental, absurd behaviors are something you've got to either stomach or else just shun them back and be done with them. It sucks.


  • jam

    We are all up in age now (brothers and sister), I think the JW

    side of the family is trying to justify their actions toward me with the

    non-JW side of the family, and they are not buying it. It been over

    26 years with this crap. It doesn,t bother me as much as my non-JW

    family members. I don,t bring it up, but it upset them to no end.

  • Heaven

    Brother: look at jam lifestyle, he is living with a woman and not married, he went back to smoking and now he visit the Casinos.

    Sister: so now you are judging all of us because we visit the casinos. We have a great time. As for as jam living with his woman, they have been togather 20 years next year. Why are you judging, that,s between him and God.

    JWs are moulded to be outward looking and judgmental. It's not a positive trait that's for sure. jam, where I live, you are considered 'common law married'. I was married once. I think I'd rather just live with someone than go thru getting married again.

  • jam

    Sd-7, yes it does suck.

    Heaven; An elderly co-worker told me years ago, he

    and his wife worked for the same company. Both were

    close to retirement, he said we will divorce when we retire.

    Why, because it would be to their advantage. It was somthing

    to do with their retirement funds. Here in California common law

    marriage is not recognized.

  • Crazyguy

    When one reads the bible about all that will not inherit the kingdom gambler's are not mentioned. We witnesses are really the most judgemental of all professed Christian's aren't we. Its really to bad that your sister did not mention how she fallows Christs and he is much more loving then you make God out to be. And since Jesus said he is just like his father then that means you must have something wrong in your religion.

  • jam

    I know of three couples that was forced to marry with children, all

    three divorced soon after. I married one of the couples. Don,t get

    me wrong I,m not talking against marriages, it,s was instiute for

    the protection for women and children, society saw the need .

    Crazy guy; No doubt the most judgemental of all professed Christians.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    In Australia common-law marriage is as valid as civil marriage, just as it was in the Roman empire. All this hullaballoo about having a civil certificate is going back to the time before common law marriage was legal. In Australia the common-law partners have all the rights and protections of civil married partners, but it's easier for them to break up. Still, while it's legal and affords the same rights, you still come up on databases as 'never validly married..." go figure.

  • A question
    A question

    Sorry you had to go through that jam. You have a PM by the way.

  • jam

    A question: you have a PM.

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