The Most Successful PBS Pledge Drive Ever
by return of parakeet 10 Replies latest social entertainment
Nothing is showing up, parakeet.
return of parakeet
Rats. I'll have to try it another way.
Red Dwarf season 11?
Band on the Run
The drives irritate me. Yes, I watched many free programs all year. In fact, daily. The rock and roll shows and great films are shown during drives but the interruptions are painful. I often fantasize that if I had enough money, i could free everyone in the area from pledge drives. Wait, my area is NYC. Where are the billionaires? Rockefellers, Astors, Bloomberg. Interesting.
return of parakeet
Can you see it now?
Still don't see anything, parakeet. If you are trying to post a picture make sure you've uploaded into a hosting site first, like Photobucket.
LOL, is this it?
return of parakeet
Yes, betterdaze!!! Thank you.