We listened to whatever we wanted to but NEVER shared that info with any JW. Everything you do in JW land is wrong. Unless you are reading their propaganda mags, sitting by a cart or reaching out for "priviledges."
"because it contained too many traps."
Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING in the JW is up for judgement.
You decide to go to college... bad.
You decide to buy a new home (bad and materialistic)
You decide to buy a new car (bad and materialistic). Heaven forbid if you do not buy a "service car."
You decide to have children (bad...too close to the end of this wicked system.)
You decide to pursue a career to feed your family (bad...you should be pioneering)
You want to grow a beard (bad)
You enjoy a certain type of sex with your marriage mate (oral/anal) bad, bad, bad
You're an attractive sister who likes to dress nicely (bad...you must be a slut)
You are a sister and enjoy talking to some of the nice Brothers (bad...you may give the Brother the wrong impression or you are trying to steal him away from his wife)
You have to take your wiggly toddler out of the auditorium during an assembly (you need to be quiet and remain in your seat).
You are late for the meeting/assembly because you got stuck in traffic or your kid blew chunks in the care and you had to return home. Bad!
You are sickly or elderly and can not get to the meetings, so you have to dial in. Now....you are forsaking the gathering with your dear Brothers and Sisters. Some Brothers tell these ones to ....GET OVER IT AND GET TO THE MEETINGS (I have actually heard that one).
You are a brother who does not desire to reach out for MS or Elder. You are weak and not a "spiritual " man. Bad! According to Brother Morris you are not good marriage material.
The list could go on and on. This is one of the main reasons we are OUT. LACK OF LOVE! They just don't get it but we did and are gone. Many are heading for the exit door for just the same reason.
In JW land, you are NEVER good enough! Why would you stay where you are not wanted??