exJW Psychology 102--How to Ask a Question When Questions Aren't Allowed

by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bonsai

    In the RC public hearing, Geoffrey Jackson apologized a dozen times for various reasons. He thus demonstrated the GB has an ability to apologize.Why then, have the GB never apologized to the sheep for harmful mistakes that they made?

    A good question to put to a JW.

  • Vidiot

    Bonsai - "Why then, have the GB never apologized to the sheep for harmful mistakes that they made?"

    Because "fasc... er, love means never having to say you're sorry"...

  • notoneoftheboys

    Served as an elder in London Ontario Canada.My first elders meeting shook my faith to its foundation. We did not discuss congregation or bible issues.Instead 8 elders became heated over mundane stuff. Overseer was Mike Garec who claimed to have the CO in his pocket. Harsh words aggressive behaviour body language and angry speech. The judicial process was a farce. One elder would ask intimate questions and as I discreetly observed to fondle his genitals.When I asked I was told the elder in question had an itch. Faded thereafter sad sad day.

  • Biahi

    This guy was a perv, getting off on others sexual escapades. 🙄

  • Biahi

    This thread is excellent! We should figure out questions to ask the ones at the carts. I doesn’t seem right to walk up to a cart to ask them about the kangaroos. But, there definitely is a way to talk to them to get them to think.

  • Balaamsass2

    Great thread. Billy we miss you!!!!!!!

  • Balaamsass2

    I love this post:"..

    • Know a sister that is a busybody and drives you nuts? Write a letter to 25 Columbia Heights asking for an application to become a Female Elders Assistant that GJ described. Include the name of the congregation with a comment that you personally are away of many ways the elders need help. Sign her name on the letter and send it in."

    I remember reading a number of letters local publishers mailed to headquarters. Publishers are unaware copies of their letters are mailed back to the local congregation, passed around the local elder body and discussed. - lol. Imagine a "Question" " "signed/sent" by a local self righteous pain in the ass elder, regarding his embarrassing "compulsion"..ie: porn, sexual picadillo, crime, doubts... :)

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