I was listening to a recording on Youtube taken from the 2013 convention on "Human Apostates". The term "mentally diseased" is way over the line. Can you imagine if they called blacks or Catholics or God forbid, Muslims "mentally diseased" what kind of trouble there would be?
Hate Speech
by Roberta804 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well yes I suppose. Then again, did they say that they "disease" was incurable?
Right. I think even Jason David BeDuhn, who praised the way a lot of the NWT's verses are rendered, would probably say the term 'mentally diseased' is a shrill, over-the-top translation, and besides, Paul certainly wasn't using it in the same way JWs are.
Either way, I believe a few folks have posted the text of the talk on JWN, and I highlighted all the negative traits they assigned to apostates, and in attempting to count them all, I lost track at 30. Mind you, that's mostly excluding the term 'apostate' itself. How they can call themselves Christian and yet engage in such speech is beyond me. But in hindsight, they're imitating their original founder, J.F. Rutherford. He was the master of hate speech, if you read some of the old stuff, and in imitation of him, the WT will send out JWs with their hate speech in the literature and then use them as poster children of faith in the face of persecution when the governments/the public respond with hatred in kind.
But again, this actually works in our favor in terms of putting up red flags in the minds of people who are already doubting. They will recognize fear when they hear it. Nobody goes to this length to condemn a group without providing meaningful supporting details unless they're just afraid, very afraid. So then, what are they so afraid of? What is it that apostates know that is so dangerous? That was my first thought when I began my search. Hopefully this sort of thing will prompt many more thinkers to wake up.
Hate speech for sure! The mentally diseased comment was followed up by we should be treated like we have a "deadly contagious disease"! Sheesh, they have no shame!!!
I wish someone had recorded the San Diego convention. I read somebody's notes that were taken. Other things that stood out were that we are Satan's kitchen workers, and we whip up poisonous meals to take others down.
This speech is wrong towards anyone but when I listened I imagined I was listening as my parents or brothers. How do families tolerate these kind of things being said about there own flesh and blood?! They are gross lies!
The mentally diseased comment was followed up by we should be treated like we have a "deadly contagious disease"! Sheesh, they have no shame!!!
I agree nicsfreedom - you're spot on.
Even allowing for their preposterously hateful wish that apostates are "mentally diseased", the organization's attitude towards the treatment of deadly diseases is instantly magnified for all to see and hear.
Their disgust-ridden mentality harkens back to a time in human "civilization" ( ? ) when, for example, lepers were involuntarily and permanently quarantined to specially designated islands to rot and die alone - away from "normal" "God-fearing" people. In this day and age, that kind of attitude is visibly marked as abysmally ignorant, medieval and repulsive.
My view is, while I'd much prefer them to tone the language down, their language as it stands exposes them for the kind of people they have become and that language is a red flag to any thinking, caring person who is considering "joining" the organization.
Out of its own mouth, the Watchtower both exposes and condemns itself.
Band on the Run
Well, Marvin will be shocked but I don't like hate speech laws. They intrude on the First Amendment. We need to draw clear lines as to what is outside the scope of the First Amendment. A Jehovah's Witness was once so rude that the Supreme Court censured his speech. They created a "fighting words" exception. Generations of law students read the case and saw how bad Witnesses can be. This was early Rutherford era speech.
No one can shout "fire" in a crowded theatre when there is no fire. After decades of heavy criticism and years of not finding any "fighting words" this category was completely overturned. Now, we have hate speech statutes. I fail to see a principled difference. People have a right to their passions and hatred. I would focus on hate acts. When I rule the world as Satan's number one person, you will need hate acts.
American culture is unique. We rub up against each other. Most people will roll their eyes and think much less of a person proclaiming such things. Every time a Witness calls us "mentally diseased" in front of nonWitnesses, people will like apostates much more.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have noticed that the most self-righteous hate speakers are people of low character, little understanding, living lives that do more harm than the ones they speak against could ever imagine.
"Mentally diseased".
This is simply a way to keep the witlesses from ever thinking of leaving, or communicating with anyone that has the truth. To the liar, the truth is a "disease" because it can destroy the lies faster than one. Yet, a lie cannot destroy the truth. Only by using force can a lie be started when the truth is established.
What I find objectionable is that, in a nearby article, the washtowel views those who were once members but left as "deserving of death". That is as bad as if I quit a bad job, found a better job, and the manager of my old place viewed me as worthy of death. This kind of hate speech is designed to stifle truth, to prevent truth from spreading. Certainly it is not justified--hate speech is justified when the hatred is directed at those who are trying to enslave populations, spread (by force) rubbish doctrines designed to degrade the human race, and promote a paradigm where half the population is in submission to the other half (as women are supposed to be). People have the right to be free from such rubbish as sexism, homophobia (when it is no one else's damn business), and threats of damnation for looking at other belief systems--using hate speech to interfere with this freedom is inexcusable.
And, what is this about murdering people who were once witlesses if they could get away with it? Isn't this the same rubbish the cat lick church did during the Inquisition?
Can someone post a link to the thread containing the content of the talk? I can't find it again.
Patient (upon being diagnosed with "Mental Disease"): Doc, give it to me straight - I can take it: Is there any hope for me? Can you cure this Mental Disease? If not, what's the prognosis? How much time have I got?
Doctor: Sorry, son, you've got one of the worst cases of being Mentally Diseased I've ever seen: You deliberately crossed a line - you dared question those hallowed men in Brooklyn New York. There's likely very little hope for you, I'm afraid. Make the most of your remaining time on earth. Plough your negativity into ensuring your live your life to the absolute fullest extent possible. Wax lyrical when the sun's rays brush upon your doubting brow, value the friends and family who have stuck by you, seek hugs that are genuine, have coffee with people who love you despite your diagnosis - and hold out some hope that a medical miracle might occur: perhaps some time soon someone will find a cure for this Mental Disease. ..and you'll thrive as never before in your life, prosper beyond your biggest imagining and damn well live your life the way you want.
Best thing yet, son, you'll stop bellyaching about the Brooklynites hate-filled diagnosis and stir yourself into self-actualizing activity and prove those sons of bitches wrong: You ain't Mentally Diseased for when they cast that misdiagnosis on you, they were blinded by the suns rays hitting the mirror in their self-condemning geriatric hands.