The servers must be just said "Cannot fulfill request at this time. Try later."
Or perhaps they are "tweaking" the magazine a little??
by Gayle 36 Replies latest watchtower bible
The servers must be just said "Cannot fulfill request at this time. Try later."
Or perhaps they are "tweaking" the magazine a little??
In paragraph 12 of the study article 'Have you been transformed?' they try to compare congregation procedures as the same importance as bible commandments. They again denounce the internet and 'higher education'. If you don't go along with them or complain...well the paragraph infers how bad that is...
Even many who claim to be religious feel that they are at liberty to do what they think is right, without any obligation to obey God and his commandments. (Ps. 14:1) This attitude may pose a real threat to true Christians. The unwary may adopt the same view of theocratic arrangements. They may be unwilling to go along with congregation procedures and may even complain about anything not to their liking. Or they may have reservations about Bible-based counsel on entertainment, use of the Internet, and the pursuit of higher education.
They really don't like anyone who dares think for themselves or dares argue with their suggestions.
Some things mentioned in the Bible may not be fully understood now because it is not yet Jehovah’s due time for making them clear.
See! It's jehovahs fault we don't know what the hell is going on!
Funny, I just got done listening to the DC part about all of the "adjustments" of the past few years. . .
Less mags, smaller mags, less meetings, lower aux pioneer hours, etc. . . .
This (as well as branch closings, selling off real estate) is NOT downsizing. . .
It is, and I quote, "Jehovah's Progressive Organization"
Spin, spin, spin. . . Faster, faster, faster!
This is unbelievable and sad. You know you will have those folks
saying, this is Jehovah loving organization, he correct matters,
his spirit is definitely with the Brothers. Hello , he have been correcting
this organization since conception. When other religious organization
was saying, no one knows the time of end, you bozos insisted you knew
because Jehovah told you so. WTH, come on folks if I was on a job and
my supervisor gave me specific instructions to perform a task and each
time I screwed it up, I would receive my walking papers very quickly.
Watch Tower, your credibility, working skills and knowledge of what
you think you know is just insane.
You think there may a place in Genis Book of World Records for this
organization, The most failed End of the world dates for any religious
organization, ever.
Looks like I need to translate another paragraph:
Even many who claim to be religious [non-JWs, who can't possibly be religious, since they have no religious bones in their bodies] feel that they are at liberty [that's like the f-word to JWs] to do what they think is right, without any obligation to obey God [Watchtower] and his [Governing Body's] commandments. (Ps. 14:1) This attitude may pose a real threat to true Christians [Jehovah's Witnesses]. The unwary [you're naive and stupid if you feel that thinking will help you figure out anything] may adopt the same view of [Watchtower policies and procedures] theocratic arrangements. They may be unwilling to go along with [Watchtower's directives to elders about the] congregation procedures and may even complain [disagree, however respectfully] about anything not to their liking [because there can't be anything wrong with the procedure, it can only mean that you don't like it]. Or they may have reservations about Bible-based [Watchtower] counsel on entertainment [how you enjoy your free time], use of the Internet [what you look at on your own computer], and the pursuit of higher education [anything that introduces critical thinking or reading above a 6th grade level].
Here's a real gem on page 7, paragraph 2: "Unlike human laws, which often need to be amended or updated, Jehovah's laws and regulations are always trustworthy. Though some of them are given for a particular time or situation, they never become faulty or inadequate." this an admission that the Watchtower laws are actually human laws, since they often need to be amended or updated? Well, of course not! No way!! --sd-7
I can remember when some or most elders would say the right words, but their actions never supported what they said.
I remember an elder telling my husband and I that he would take the lead in having us over (we had them over 3 times, ate our food and disappeared). He went home and talked to the real boss who had said to her mother that we would never see the inside of their house (were they hoarders?). So after saying that, ten years of him still saying it went by....
Remember Jesus said that trees that do not produce fruitage will be cut down.
Matthew 23:1-3
23 ( A ) Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples, 2 saying: “ ( B ) The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; 3 therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them.