Sometime during this year I arranged for a local visit to discuss the Selma and Steve domestic abuse (20 years of extreme physical and emotional abuse are ok b/c the hubbie converted to JW. The WT article did not say whether he stopped beating her. Maybe he still does) and a direct quote from a Nuremberg convicted theolgian. His theology was central to Naziism. It was not a side issue. I was too lazy to write a letter and mail it.
They had no clue what I was talking about even tho I knew they studied it the week before in KH. Two sisters stood in my apartment with no idea what was happening. No one pays any attention in KH, I guess. Well, when they had to acknowledge certain points -- such as sisters have a duty to politely ask a bro in a respectful penis-worship way about beatings--they said I read apostate literature. I said no, I read my own Bible. No one needs to read apostate lit. to know what Jesus expressly said. They could not stick it but their looks indicated they were afraid.
I still don't know why but they focused on my bookcase. When I saw their focus, I proclaimed, Yes I read books! All kinds of books-cookbooks, art books, history books, and several Bibles. Do you want to see what a real Bible looks like? They fled. I was annoyed for engaging with them.
When I latched my door, I looked around my apartrment and saw it through their eyes. Beatle worship, New York worship, a Russian icon of Mary and Jesus (the horror), several angels as nice figurines, and a small cross. Too bad. Somehow I don't think they will knock on my door ever again.
Of course, I have been out decades. The JW realtives I respected are long dead. Yeah, I am so worldly and demonic. I wish.