7 million Jehovah's Witnesses wasting 10 hours every month

by Terry 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    What IF...

    What IF Jehovah's Witnesses spent their 70 million hours on something BETTER than cartoon theology distribution?

    Would this world be better served by:

    1.Feeding the hungry?

    2.Visiting the sick?

    3.Providing for the elderly?

    4.Attending to widows and orphans?

    5.Building hospitals?

    6.Creating women's shelters?

    7.Volunteering as a "Big Brother" or "Big Sister"?

    8.Comforting those afflicted by natural disasters?

    9.Helping the addicted break their addictions?

    10.Creating a food bank?

    BUT NO--- 70 MILLION PRECIOUS HOURS THAT COULD MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE is squandered on trivia, posturing theological blather and end of the world ranting instead!


    ...............................THEY MUST BE PART OF THE PROBLEM!

  • Shador

    Good point, Terry. It could do a world of good.

    However, the sad truth of human nature is that not many people are selfless enough to devote all that time to good causes like that. The only reason most witlesses do their "ministry" is because of the cult brainwashing.

  • prologos


  • whathappened

    Just think of how much money is wasted on gasoline, book bags, service clothing, Dunkin Donut stops, etc.

    I love not having to buy frumpy looking dresses and tramping from door to door in expensive shoes. One time walking across a gravel driveway and my shoes were ruined!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Would this world be better served by:

    11. JWs contributing to the blood banks instead of just taking from the blood supply through blood fractions.

    12. JWs saving countless numbers of trees by ending their publishing of so many books, magazines and tracts that contain teachings and doctrine that will only later require revisions and updates which in turn will require the cutting down of more precious trees and so the cycle goes!

  • earthfire

    It always bothered me that JW's do no volunteer work. I never understood that.

  • sspo

    I have no respect for other religions but i have to say that Catholics and Mormons end evangelical christian are

    very organized and generous to assist those in need.

    Jw only take but hardly give anything to assist others.

  • LisaRose

    That was something I found unfullfilling about being a dub, it was really impossible to feel you did any good for anyone, mostly the time was wasted knocking at not at homes, annoying people and aimless driving around, and the occasional pity placement of literature. You got a brief reprieve from from feeling guilty guilty about not going out, and that was it.

    I do volunteer work now, it is far more fulfilling.

  • Terry

    The aberration of JW's is that they place what ideas they hold inside their head as far superior to ACTUAL DEEDS performed

    in the service of their fellow man.

    A fellow who thinks the world is flat or that god is forty-seven persons in one but who reaches out to feed a hungry child is

    worth any ten JW's knocking on doors passing out magazines that will end up being contradicted in future changes of New Light.

    Life isn't what you THINK. Life is what you DO.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    yea Terry life isnt what you think its what you do....

    On the ministry i knocked at a door and for ' john' saying " i would value Johns OPINIONS on......" what ever the awake article was on. Johns wife replied " he doesnt have OPINIONS, he sits in front of that telly and watches it...blah blah blah"

    Anyway i walked away from that house in the knowlegde that guy was happy and not hurting any one....and so its not how you think its what you think. Maybe my television friend is a postman goes to work tomorrow and has a wonderful life meeting friends on his postal round saying hello, delivering letters and just likes to relax in frontof the T.V screen at night.

    Delivering the W.T was not fun but the people i met made it fun...and it wasnt all crap there were a lot of good articles in the awake.


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