Billy you referred to this thread from another more recent post but the story is one I hadn't read before.
I actually do have a story of throwing "confidentiality" back at them even though I had not really considered it before.
The short story is that what had gotten me in trouble was a conversation with friends about the overlapping generation teaching. One of the people there wasn't aclose friend, and it turns out, was stumbled. (he was the only other person there appointed). He called the elders in my hall who for other reasons already had me on their radar.
Essentially they printed out a bunch of things about apostacy, called me into a back room to ask my views on a host of subjects. I answered them well, and knew what they were trying to do. They told me "people" had told them concerning things about me. I asked who. They declined to tell me. I told them there can be no accusation without names. They shared the one name. I said...."that is person, you said people. Sounds to me like someone was stumbled and I need to make amends with them in order not to lose my brother, but it also appears that you men encouraged this person to circumvent Matthew 18. Why would you knowingly do that, and then try to keep the issue of him being stumbled a secret? This doesn't make sense at all. i have to question your brothers reasoning on the scriptural principles here."
Yeah THAT went over well. It was great to see the panic.
They then touted out another name. When they mentioned this other person, i immediately knew I had them. I actually laughed when they mentioned him. they looked at each other, and knew they screwed up. I called him from the room, and they were telling me to hang up. I explained "you all be quiet, because I think you know how much you just screwed up". Well he didn't pick up. But I spoke to this person (a friend of mine still today), and he agreed to put in writing that he had never said anything about me being negative against the elder body etc..., which he did.
That letter went to the branch. The elders here were local heavies, so they were ridiculously embarrased. They eventually removed the person THEY had dragged into this, under false pretenses. I explained my removal and the situation to literally anyone and everyone.
I was pretty much gone by then, but safe to say neither one of these guys reputations have recovered, even though since I am an inactive persona non grata, I don't have the sway I once had.
It was deflating to them to have their "power" taken away, by me exercising basic rights I never even considered I had at one point. So your story here reminded me of this.