Antineoplastons - Gene - targeted Cancer medicines. Dr Burzynski MD PhD

by *lost* 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • *lost*

    Came across this very intesting bit of information.

    ''Burzynski, the Movie, Cancer is a Serious Threat''

    Medical Doctor and PhD Biochemist Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski

    ... who won the largest and possiblly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the

    Food + Drug administration in American History

    His victorious battles with the United States Government were centered around Dr Burzynski's belief in and commitment to his

    Gene - targeted Cancer Medicines he discovered in the 1970's called ANTINEOPLASTONS

    When antineoplastons are approved it will mark the first tme in history a single scientist, not a pharmaceutical company, will hold the

    exclusive patent and distribution rights on paradigm - shifting medical breakthrough.

    Antineoplastons are responsible for curing some of the most incurable forms of terminal cancer.

    Various ccancer survivors are presented in the film who chose his treatment instead of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation

    - with full disclosure of medical records to support their diagnosis and recovery -

    as well as FDA supervised clinical trial data comparing Antineoplaston to other available treatments.

    This documentary takes the audience through the teacherous, yet victorious,

    14 yr journey both Dr Burzynski and his patients have had to endure in order to obtain FDA approved clinical trials of Antineoplastons.


    what was revealed a few years after Dr Burzynski won his freedom, helps to paint a more coherent picture regarding the true motivation of the

    U.S Governments relentless persecution of Stanislaw Burzynski MD. PhD

  • cofty

    Burzynski is a despicable charlatan who peddles false hope to some of the most desperate people.

    He has failed for 20 years to publish anything resembling a scientific study.

    People raise thousands of dollars to travel to his clinic to receive medication that is based on nothing more than urine.

    Science-Based Medicine... A review of the film you are promoting Lost. Essential reading!

    Science Blogs...

    More Science Blogs...

    Rational Wiki...

  • *lost*

    cofty I actually had you in mind when I came across it, is why I enquired about it on the genetic roulette post.

    I thought if anyone knows, it will be Cofty.

    Seriously, it's a load of BS is it ?

    thats really pee's me of.

    How can they present all this as facts and get away with it.

    Thanks for your input.

    At least anyone else who hears of it, will have a red light after reading this.

  • talesin

    lol, the first link is a bunch of MDs 'debunking' various things (I happen to agree that chiropractors are useless) ... I noted their 'opinions' of glucosamine, though, for use in joint healing. Then I went to the MAYO CLINIC (does the Mayo Clinic get your approval, Cofty?) .... the Mayo Clinic disagrees.

    So much for link 1.

    The blogger is anonymous. Strike 2.

    And The American Cancer Society,, okay. Maybe readers should watch the documentary "Chasing the Cancer Answer", by a Canadian investigative journalist, and Breast Cancer Survivor. Quite revealing about the Canadian Cancer Society .... yes, indeedy.

    *lost* I recommend you do your own, further research.



  • cofty
    lol - talesin

    Fraudulent cancer doctors are nothing to laugh out loud about.

    Please read the Science-Based Medicine article in full...

    If Burzynski had a shred of verifiable evidence - clinical trials - that his snake oil was effective he would publish it instead of relying on emotive anecdotes.

    More than 20 years and millions of dollars stolen from vulnerable and desperate people and still nothing.

  • *lost*


    I will be honest, chirpractors, I found a saviour, immeidiate, instant relief, when doctors were worse than useless.

  • Crazyguy

    I new a person that was in direct contact with the board members of the Cancer society, they told him they had no desire to cure cancer. (their collecting to much money)

  • *lost*

    Crazy guy - I hear a lot of people saying exactly the same thing. More and more, it is said, they know what causes cancer, and how to cure it, it's all about big pharma, money, and we are just cannon fodder, cattle for slaughter when our use and service is done.

    Cancer now is so prevalent, people are dropping like flies, almost. At one time, it was a rarity, now, everyone knows someone, or knows many people, who have cancer or are dying from cancer.

    It's like a plague.

    After all these years, and with all the miracles of 'science' are they reall telling us, 'they have no idea ?' BS I say.

  • JonathanH

    The thing is there never will be a "cure" for cancer. Cancer isn't a thing, it is a classification of a whole lot of things. It is like saying why haven't we found a cure for virus yet? Cancer is when your cells screw up the reproduction process, and start reproducing cells that don't do what they are supposed to do. There are millions of reasons this can happen, there are millions of places in the gene it can happen, there are a ridiculous number of types of cells it can happen to. There isn't just one quick fix solution that will always reliably tell one type of cell "don't reproduce" while telling every other cell "go ahead and reproduce" anywhere and everywhere in the body, while making sure that no genetic mistake is ever made again.

    Anybody that says they have a "cure for cancer" is selling snake oil and might as well be saying they have found a way to stop aging, or cure all disease. They feed off of distrust of "big pharma" and there biggest allies are the anti-science portion of the liberal side of things. Anybody that thinks that the conservative right has a monopoly on anti-science wingnuts just needs to look at the anti-vaxxer, natural healing, "big pharma is killing us on purpose" demographic of the left.

    There is no "cure" for cancer. The statement doesn't even make sense.

  • cofty

    Crazyguy - I am calling Bullshit. Names and dates please.

    Lost - I have rarely read such ignorance. How easy it is to sit behind a keyboard and type nonsense.

    More people are being cured of cancer by science-based medicine than in any time in history. In many cases people are being cured of stage II and III cancers that would have been a certain death sentence a few years ago. This is not a matter of opinion - research the numbers.

    Overall survival rates have doubled in the past 40 years.

    3/5 of new diagnosis are in over 65s. Due to improved health care people are living longer and developing cancers in later life. Screening programmes are finding cancers that previously would have went undiagnosed.

    The naivety of people like you and Talesin who go along with internet conspiracies is frightening.

    Doctors, geneticists, researchers, surgeons, oncologists and specialist nurses care about curing their patients. I have come to know many of them. I hope you never have the need to educate yourself on the subject.

    Cancer isn't a thing, it is a classification of a whole lot of things - JonathanH



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