Flashback to the sixties Seatle

by Tater-T 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pickler

    It shows how dull and boring our JW kid lives were that we actually thought an assembly was something to look forward to, hahaha

  • Finkelstein

    But it was worth it because it was promised by the WTS. leaders of not being killed at Armageddon

    and to live for a thousand years in a earthly paradise.

    The worldly pigs outside of the organization were going to be killed and we were going to move into their expensive homes,

    like the one Judge Rutherford made for the ancient worthies.

  • sarahsmile

    Darn you had me going on the late 60s date. I thought I was not there.

    But you changed the date.

    I went to an eight day assembly in Vancouver B.C. for vacation.

    Not too sure about the date, early 70s. A lot of people.

    There were some close to the Space Needle.

    Very nice video.

    Did you happen to tape the baptism.


  • sarahsmile

    Parents and meetings had us hyped up looking forward to assemblies.

    Most of us were so exhausted.

  • Tater-T

    I thought exwhyzee's comments funny.. yet sad .. I hated assemblies .. hot, boring and terrifiing as a child .. doom and gloom anyday..

  • exwhyzee
    Ok just ran it by mom.. it was 1970 Vancouver BC.. for the convention and they went to Seatle to..

    I was at that one for sure. Vancouver is only about a 3 hour drive from here. I knew it wasn't Sick's Seattle Stadium in the Video because of the background scenery. 4 years later we had the International Assembly there in Vancouver and that's where I was baptized. The then popular country singer Glen Campbell was supposedly there to be baptized too. People were reportedly running around with their songbooks looking for him to autograph them. They had a talk on the assembly that made specific mention about not idolizing things in the world. (of course, they say that at every assembly) They also had a big plumbing problem going on and lack of bathrooms. There were long lines of people waiting to get inside these makeshift stalls that weren't working properly and they had brothers who were assigned to walk up and down the long lines past all the waiting people shouting " Brothers and Sisters....FLUSH FOR B.M. ONLY !!!" Of course we kids thought that was so weird and hilarious at the same time. There were volunteers walking around with nicely hand painted signs that said " Quiet Please " or "Keep Moving" and "Flush for B.M. Only" as well. We were glad not to have gotten that assignment.

  • Jim_TX

    It shows how dull and boring our JW kid lives were that we actually thought an assembly was something to look forward to, hahaha

    Well, in my case, that was the only 'vacation' that we got - travelling to a city far away - and then having to 'rough it' by staying in some pre-arranged private home. (Later, as I got older, my mom was able to afford motel's).

    Another reason that I looked forward to those long-a** assemblies was because I got to be away from the 'family' if I got the chance to volunteer.

    And finally... as a teen, I was able to scope out all of the 'pretties' that were there. Young gals wearing their dresses and heels. ;) (Of course, none of 'em were the least bit interested in me - a clumsy-looking lanky odd-ball)

    I _do_ remember at one of the long conventions that was held in a baseball park (Kansas City, MO ??... 1970??), that folks were sitting on the grass outside on blankets that they had brought. I thought that that was really cool, and wished that we could do it, too. Nope. Keep marching inside. We got rained on during that assembly. Don't worry - we brought umbrellas.


    Jim TX

  • JeffT

    exwhyzee, I was at that convention in Vancouver, first one I ever went to, I was about to graduate from college. I went to bunches of them in the kingdom.

  • Lynnie

    Yes I remember the convention at Sick's Seattle Stadium. then it was Vancouver BC for a couple conventions (yes flush BM;s only!) and then finally Puyallup fairgrounds. What wasted weeks!

  • clarity

    Tater ...oh the memories! lol


    When I saw the rollercoaster in the background...I thought Vancouver!


    Those meals were really good...especially the turkey dinners!


    Always fresh slices of bread every 3 to 4ft along the tables,

    with the salt & pepper shakers.


    We all learned how to gobble food really fast as the

    next bunch of hungry jw's came up right on your heels!

    It was stand up only... except for a little disabled section.


    Found this thread on Vancouver assemblies 1969,

    thought you might like to read it ..start at pg 2... interesting.




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