was a phrase in the wtwr study today that really bothered me it said,dont tell them what to beleive but ask questions to get the APPROPRIATE response.Isnt this basically saying dont tell them how they should beleive,instead ask them leading questions till they say what you want them to say?
wtwr study today
by infernosdante 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
It's a cult!
Yea, that's how cults work. One of the "tricks of the trade" - If you ask questions to lead the person to the conclusion you want, they feel like they are the ones who came to the conclusion. That makes it stick much more powerfully. "No, no one TOLD me to believe this. I looked at the evidence and concluded it for myself."
I would have loved to have been at that WT study and answered inappropriately.
its right there in print, and the lemmings march cheerully on to the cliff and follow the leaders to obscurity.
commentings out for me ive got the scarlet df
the enjoyment i get going to the meetings is that the elders on stage know im doing nothing to conform to their version of worthieness,while the r&f are thinking look at him he really wants to be one of us again, how encouraging,......suckers!!!!, i guess i like dark humor lol
Since this thread is about the 6/16/2013 WT study, I wonder if anyone could help me find a quote in it.
Paragraph 12 defines "setting things straight" (from 2 Tim 3:16 NWT) as "to make good, to correct, to restore to a proper, upright condition."
So far, when I search for it on Google Books I only get returns that point to this WT article. As if the only place it is quoted is in the article itself. Which wouldn't make sense if this article is the originator of the quote. (The article itself uses quotation marks around the words in bold above.)
I also searched using Google's home/search page, but same result - only references to this WT article. (Dogpile yields the same.)
Any help would be appreciated. My curiosity has got the best of me.
Take care
From a compound of G1909 and G461; a straightening up again, that is, (figuratively) rectification (reformation): - correction.Merriam-Webster, origin:
LL, fr. Gk epanorthosis correction, revision, fr. epanorthoun to correct, revise (fr. ep- + anorthoun to restore, correct, fr. ana- + orthoun to straighten, fr. orthos straight, right
I see lots of commentary that use the expression "upright, or right" but none that use the word "proper". I wonder if the author is referencing a Watchtower generated commentary.