What's Your Favorite "No JWs Or Peddlers" Sign or Bump-sticker, Here's Some!
by ÁrbolesdeArabia 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
we shoot every second Jehovahs witness,
the last one just left. this one is real, but
I adapted the following from a similar offering I saw in FL.
Is there Life after Death??
try to preach here ---and find out.
I think in some jurisdiction these would be considered an assault.
It is too bad the general population does not read the good stuff here.
they would take down those "No JW" signs and --after the bell rings,
decimate the poor "PUBLISHERS" at the doors.
D2D would truly become a traumatic experience for them.
Great Prologos! Where did you see those signs at? I want to get one or two of them!
How can I get one as a joke, just to make fun of the situation just to say I am having fun with all that persecution we endure!?
These were hand made, perhaps computer printed. artistic license.
Florida and other desirable Location(s)
bsw: how do I open these and other little blue letters? on a mac?
There was a poster on here who had great tee-shirts and signs. I loved one that was an outline of a tower and the sign said "Apostate Headquarters" and he had it by his front door. Hilarious, loved it.
With their vitrolic venom they spew against anyone who disagrees with their leaders who love and crave the glory of men, it's proof they are not from Jesus Christ! They are fair game to play this game with, I won't use their hate speech of telling everyone they deserve to die, the same garbage they preach against anyone speaks out against their backwards theology!