This programme looks interesting as there might be similarities with the WTBTS. Looks at people who have left the group. It's on channel 4 at 9pm
Scientologists at war - UK programme tonight 9pm
by krejames 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Looking forward to watching it. Thanks for the reminder.
Witness My Fury
Set on my box for record thanks...
Watching now.
Amelia Ashton
They make JWs look quite tame and rational
Amelia -yes my thoughts too! lol
Captain Blithering
Watched it with the missus, those guys make us look like normal people!
I'm hoping the pretty half picked up on the points about dividing families and not tolerating any criticism of the leadership.. Both things we've talked about. Neither of which I felt I could point out last night as it would've perhaps been a bit obvious... She's astute, let's see if any dissonance sets in....
Watched it and omg what a bunch of nutters.
Did wonder where the police were in all that,I mean is it ok in America to behave like those people,and what is a squirrel anyway? apart from a small furry creature???
This is on CBC-TV today.
It is a must-watch - I believe it's on Youtube.
It's hard to know which cult learns which method from the others.