Crisis of Conscience and the preaching work with WT literature

by losingit 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • losingit

    "It is interesting to contrast the deliberate elimination of prayers and songs at Witness meetings in Mexico with the action of the Watch Tower Society in the United States, where they were willing to fight case after case all the way up to the Supreme Court of the country rather than give up certain practices, such as offering literature from door to door without a license and without having to register with the police, the right to use sound cars, distribute literature on street corners, and many other such practices which are covered by Constitutional rights. The organization did not want to relinquish any of these things. It fought to hold on to them, even though these particular practices are certainly not things that were done by early Christians in the first century and hence cannot be counted as among primary Christian practices."

    So the preaching work, done primarily through the distribution of literature, cannot be counted as among primary Christian practices. YET, it is so heavily emphasized at the meetings, especially the Kingdom Ministry meeting. Also, anyone baptized as a JW is considered an active PUBLISHER. Publisher of the good news? Publisher of WT?

    It always bothered me, this push to get magazines in people's hands. I used to HATE seeing pioneer sisters out in service, not say a word about the Bible, but as long as they placed a magazine in the householder's hands, they were fine with their service... I just held my Bible in hand. And had great discussions with people who really wanted to talk. If they didn't, there was no need to leave any literature. In fact, I didn't care anything about it at all. Back when you had to request a certain amount of magazines, my ex-husband and I always asked for the least. I didn't want the pressure of placing magazines. But I did enjoy talking to people about the Bible.

    I am definitely starting to see the WTBTS as a major publishing house. I wonder, how does WTBTS compare to other publishing houses?

  • running_away
  • Giordano

    I'v noticed on this site that when an active JW starts to experience a crisis of conscience they begin to change what they do in the field service. Either shut it down all together or avoid contact if possible and make up their time....... or they change their message to something totaly bible based and as you said just reading scripture with the idea that they would do no harm and just share something positive.

    That certainly reflects well on the person who wants to stop 'selling' badly written magazines that represent a corporation.

  • running_away
  • losingit

    Yes, it's a good business. They tout these numbers (highest circulation of magazines in the world) as proof that Jehovah is with the organization. At a recent meeting I remember hearing this. But I wonder-- do they make the most $$$ from having the highest circulation? In other words, what do they gain from having the highest circulation?

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    I seem to remember reading here, that the wtb&ts is among the 100 top earners in NY.

  • Retrovirus

    Hi Losingit, you might like to check out the threads on Mr Unthank's battle with the WT in Australia.

    Here is a good start.

    To summarise, in Victoria we have a legal requirement that all whose work may involve children, paid or voluntary, must carry a current card to show that their record is clear of molestation and related offences. Of course, jws may well engage with children in their "ministry", but very few if any carry the WWT card.

    In its defence the wt claimed

    1. the "faithful and discreet slave is not a legal entity"

    2. The "ministry" is a personal and voluntary choice by the individual

    Surely only an organisation focused on profit can be so blatently dishonest.


  • Roberta804

    So glad to see that you see the borg as it really is... a publishing company in corporate America....... Only in Americia could something like the WBTS come about.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    I seem to remember reading here, that the wtb&ts is among the 100 top earners in NY.

    The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of NY, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation, was as of 2001 one of the 40 largest revenue-generating companies in New York City, reporting an annual revenue of about US$951 million.[1]


    Giordano: I'v noticed on this site that when an active JW starts to experience a crisis of conscience they begin to change what they do in the field service.

    It's funny that you mention this. I was recently talking to a JW who has awakend but for personal reasons must keep up appearances of being somewhat active.

    He still goes door to door but offers no WT literature. He only reads a few verses from the Bible and discusses positive things.

    Here's the funny thing: householders do not recognize him as a JW because he reads only the Bible!! They think he might be Baptist or some other religion, and are shocked when he says he's a JW. When a JW does not offer literature and uses the Bible as their only reference the public will not link them with WT. That speaks volumes.

  • Mum

    Those nice JW's who don't offer literature might make more converts than those who do! Do they make return visits?

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