So you survived the WTS upbringing and despite a bad start managed to put your life back together and plan for the future:
Pension planning and general finance for ex-JWs
Sadly, you may find yourself still at a disadvantage as you lack the support group of friends and family that many rely on and could be cut-off even from immediate family.
But it can't get any worse can it?
Yes it can !
Imagine, the people that refuse to even talk to you or say hello being first in line to inherit everything you own if something happened to you. Your house, your car, your savings, your investments. All theirs to go off and sing praises to Jehovah for and squander and live off.
And even worse, who get's your kids if something happens to you? Do you want your children being brought up by your Jehovahs Witness relatives and put at risk of blood issue or just a lifetime of misery. Don't trust the courts to understand the nuances - look at Michael Jackson's kids.
Not next week, next month or next year. NOW. Or at least tomorrow.
Seriously, a home-will-kit is probably better than nothing to document your intent of who gets what and importantly who DOESN"T get anything, especially children. Even better to spend a few $$$ on getting one drawn up professionally.
It's terrible to think what would happen to your kids if anything happened to you but it's better to plan ahead. If you have made close friends since you left, it's worth discussing things with them. It's nice to know they will be brought up in a normal life if you are not there to do it yourself.