About 14 years ago I saw a woman who was walking her dog get attacked by another woman. I lived on the third floor of an apartment building and my apartment faced the street. I called 911 and yelled out my window that I had done so. The attacking woman got in her car and hit the woman with the dog (the dog was ok) while I was on the phone with 911 who I promptly told what just happened. I then ran down to the woman who got hit. She was in a daze walking and talking but the ony thing she kept saying was a group of numbers. I got her to sit down, told her help was on the way and felt her head. She had a huge knot on her head. There was a man out there also but he was a friend of the stupid woman who ran the other woman down. I was so pissed I could have hit him. This all happened late at night and I was in my nightgown and robe. And the reason why the woman kept repeating a group of numbers was it was her badge number and she was a San Francisco cop.
What you THINK ... v What you KNOW ....
by *lost* 12 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
I would get as far away as possible so I could not be touched and screech, "I am calling 911 now" as I dial 911. This has happened many times in my life. If you get sucked in, you can't get help. I am not a man. Most men can take me. My screech is formidable. Countless men have told they tried to help a victim of domestic violence and the woman being beaten turned on them and beat the crap out of them.
I would never tell the offenders don't do it here. As in, Don't do in Central Park but it is perfectly all right to beat a woman unconscious at home. Beating small creatures at home is perfectable acceptable just don't do it in public. Next, I am fighting with the men who scream that advice.
It is always good to know the exact location of the nearest police precinct and the name of the captain.
The young man was my brother, it is one of the proudest memories I have of him. He was willing to put himself in danger,
to assist an elderly lady, and do the right thing.