The religion of the Jehovah' Witnesses is an American made religion
Which was started only 14 years after slavery ended
It takes alot longer than 14 years to break a mind set that was over 2 centuries old
EVIDENTLY , folks in the south were not the only ones who had this mindset
What better way was there to control the masses that would grow
than what was used by the southern slave masters
The WTS copied the way of the old south, and applied the Bible later
to justify it as a " religion "
Here's an example : In the old south. The House slave
Some often developed a strong loyalty and affection for their master
especially if they were treated decent
When ever the master had to leave his home, he trusted his loyal
house slave to take care of the household as if it was his own.
this is where the bible comes in to justify what the southern slave masters did
" Bless is that servant whom his master will find him doin' so when he comes "
Cuz if he didn't, that slave knew he would get his Whipped
DeWandelaar. You are exactly right
" A slave is never bigger than the master and never bigger than the household, he still remaind a slave "
A good slave was a slave that had things in order when his master
returned to the plantation