I need some help please! What are the questions for DF'ing

by Gojira_101 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gojira_101

    I know I have seen topics on here stating what the questions are for a JC meeting that the elders ask, but I can't find them.

    Can someone please tell me what those questions are or provide a link to the topic?

    I know one of them is something like "do you believe that this is God's spirit directed organization?"

    {editted to add} If you are a suspected apostate what are the questions they ask you?

    Thanks a bunch


  • sir82

    In a judicial case for apostasy, that question would likely be used.

    However probably 90+% of judicial cases are for "fornication", so that question would not come up.

    I can't think of any "common questions" in such cases.

    Most of the time the elders are phrasing their questions in such a way as to give the "accused" the chance to say something along the lines of "I'm so sorry I have damaged my relationship with Jehovah".

    For any lurkers out there facing a judicial committee (for something other than apostasy anyway), that's the main thing that the elders are looking for - remorse over a "damaged relationship with Jehovah".

    If you manage to emphasize that thought (in various phrases) throughout your "trial", you will most likely get off with reproof.

    Tears are helpful too, though in themselves no guarantee of a lighter sentence.

    I think that is one of the primary reasons they try to kep the "elders manual" secret - a quick read would give every judicial "offender" advance knowledge of what to say in their committee to avoid getting DF'ed.

  • Gojira_101

    Whoops, I forgot to say when it's for apostasy. What are the questions they ask you if you are a suspected apostate?

    Thanks and sorry about that.



    They will ask you whatever they want. Much of it depends on the mentality of your Elders. Are their some power hungry jerks in the BOE? Are there a couple of sociopaths? Have you made them look stupid by exposing their hypocrisy? Who knows how their minds function?

    The important thing to know is that they Worship the GB/FDS/Organization. Seriously. No matter what they say to the contrary, they Worship the Org. So you will be asked how you feel about the " Slave ", " Theocratic arrangements", " Do you respect the channel that JEHOVAH (tm) is using?"..ect..

    I was just honest with them. I said 1) The GB is not infallible, and gave them WT articles to back it up. 2) The WT can and has contained errors, and provided WT articles to back it up. When asked about the Organization, I said , " I have no doubt that this is " Jehovah's " organization."

    Since I know that Jehovah is the made up name that Rutherford adopted, I could honestly say that JEHOVAH (tm) is in charge of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. I just don't really belive in their " Jehovah."

  • sspo

    "do you believe that this is God's spirit directed organization?"

    Most likely you will get DF if you don't believe in the Gb being directed by Jehovah.

    If you don't want to get DF, deny everything and just express some doubts and that you're working thru them.

    Fade is always best in my opinion.

  • Watchtower-Free

    If you don't mind getting in trouble . Ask them to explain these quotes .

    "Jehovah does not communicate directly with anyone today."

    The Watchtower, May 1, 2004 Issue, Page 11, Paragraph 15:

    "The Governing Body relies on God's holy spirit for direction. Its members do not regard themselves as the leaders of Jehovah's people. Rather, like all anointed Christians on earth, they "keep following the Lamb [Jesus Christ] no matter where he goes"

    *** Bearing Witness (2009) chap. 14 p. 110 "We Have Come to a Unanimous Accord" ***

    "Those who make up the one true Christian organization today do not have angelic revelations or divine inspiration. But they do have the inspired Holy Scriptures, which contain revelations of God's thinking and will." Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom (1993) p.708

  • DesirousOfChange

    SSPO: "do you believe that this is God's spirit directed organization?"

    It will without a doubt, be something along the line of the question above. You must say all the "right things". Don't shoot yourself in the foot by thinking it is righteous to be "honest". Theocratic Warfare.



    It depends on what you want as well. I don't think anyone really wants to get DF'd. Why would we? We should be able to have friends while still disagreeing with the imperfect ideas of fallible, unispired, non-prophets.

    Just act bewildered. If they ask , " Do you have doubts?" Just say, " Of course I have doubts! Everything that we have been told is the truth for 90+ years has changed! Not even Jesus 12 apostles are faithful and discreet slaves!" Then cry a bit. Then they will say to trust the slave. Then you can say, " I have been told that we can umplicitly trust the GB because Christ does. In fact, he trusted them soooo much that he appointed them over all his belongings. Now that is no longer " truth " either!" Then sob some more while handing the O.D book with that " truth " highlighted.

    If you have been to the DC, you can really have some fun. The CO said that " The Truth " = GOD's word. " Truth " = correct understanding of God's word, free from assumption and probabilities. " Truth " does not change. " Truth " is verifiable fact. Tell them that the new light is described as an idea by the GB. Should you be " disciplined by Jehovah " for not trusting men's ideas? Continue crying....

  • Gojira_101

    I have my own reasons for asking these questions. I don't have a JC meeting. I do understand where most of you are coming from by saying the fading route is best...but to me I want out of WT fully. And if I just go this fading way, I still have to worry that some day the elders are going to catch up to me. I've seen it happen. There is never a successful fade because to me even if you fade, you are still tied to WT, and WT then will still have some control over you. Those are just my thoughts, I know everyone else feels differently though. Gojira

  • sspo

    I faded seven years ago, no one has ever tried to bring me back, lost all friends in the "truth", daughter has not talked to me since March of 2009.

    So when you fade it's almost the same consequences or outcome but i feel i did it my way of leaving them and not them kicking me out.

    It was my choice to become a JW when i was 22 and after 32 years slaved to the watchtower it was my choice to walk away from them.

    Regained all my old friend from the "world" and made many more that are so much more honest and sincere than JW's.

    Mine was a successful fade and very happy to have it done this way.

    We do not know the details of your life, friends, family and so on so do not make any quick decisions, think before you act and things will turn out well for you.

    Good luck

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