JW-land is now bigger than Switzerland!

by slimboyfat 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • villagegirl

    I stand corrected , 1/10 th of 1% = JW numbers WORLDWIDE in 2013

    But I was speaking of the USA population of 315.1 million with

    1.2 million JW's in the USA. So whats that ? .38 which is ??

    ( WHAT Great Crowd?? It doesn't exist. )

    I am no mathematician thats for sure, but anybody with a calculator

    and some google searches on demographics

    can see JW's are a grain of sand on this beach

    and completely without power or purpose or deeds.

    ALL of Switzerland has less people in it than New York City

    Religion in Switzerland: the Swiss breakdown is Catholics 41%

    Protestants 35 % Muslims 4 % Orthodox 1.8% Other 1%(jw's)

    no religion at all 11 % So how are JW's "taking over" ???

    Switzerland has a population of 7 million in the entire country.

    The statistics are: every hour 8.4 people are born in Switzerland

    and every hour 7.7 people DIE in Switzerland.

    Current Swiss population 7,733,544 - oops somebody just died.

  • villagegirl

    I think what the WT is trying to do is copare the 7 million JW's

    to the 7 million people in Hong Kong and the 7 million people

    in Switzerland these are locations with a 7 million population.

    But the comparison is meaningless , since these places all have

    very few JW's. Its typical WT double-speak.

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