Just wanted to let you know that this DB has had over 300,000 posts and almost 5,000 registered posters. All of this in a little over two years.
by larc 10 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Larc: Yes, I noticed recently that the numbers are moving up faster. We now need to impliment a reporting system to Simon so that he can see we are fully engaged in our Internet Field Service, teaching new ones about seeking out, identifying, and associating with the only true Internet Forum that God is using in these Last days of this wicked system of things.
Do we use virtual time service slips?
If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?
I'm waiting for my sheparding call cause I've not been putting in regular hours. I'm not sure that I can cope with this total lack of supervision. My independant spirit is winning - I only post when I feel like it. Will I get thru Armeggedon with such a poor attitood?
Let us bow our heads in prayer!
This board is the alternate universe on the other side of the WTS's Black Hole.
The Pope
Hey, I know I'm addicted to it.
The scriptures did say the little one would become a thousand!
I've known for some time that this site was the only channel of communication that God is using in these last sinful days of this wicked system of things, and that soon the scarlet colored wild beast with ten heads and twelve diadems, currently being furiously humped by the WTBTS, would attack the faithful and discreet posters. And as the beast swoops in for the final kill, it is slowed by all the humping going on - thus, were are saved just in the nick of time.
Let's turn to song 1104 in our songbooks. You'll find your books on the backs of your seats.
"From house to house,
From door to door,..."Francois
The one thing I like about this site is the freedom that it offers.
Well done Simon.
topic read x times
number of visitors = what?
are revisits, repeat visits counted?