Hey there! Thanks everyone for your greetings.
flipper - A Moodies fan! Do you have a favorite? Yes. My user name is from the Moody Blues album.
mouthie - Who is Anghard?
by SeventhSojourn 49 Replies latest jw experiences
Hey there! Thanks everyone for your greetings.
flipper - A Moodies fan! Do you have a favorite? Yes. My user name is from the Moody Blues album.
mouthie - Who is Anghard?
Hi, 7th. Welcome to the real world, a world of possibilities and ideas! Angharad is Simon's wife, who works very hard to keep this board going. I'm sure she's much more than "just" Simon's wife, but that's the simplest explanation.
A hearty welcome to my favorite Moody Blues album!
welcome 7th - glad to have you here - your other post caught my eye and sent me over here
stick around, keep posting and may you start many threads now you have broken the seal :-)
Glad you're OUT!
Welcome SEVENTH SOJOURN: I bet you feel like rip van winkle who just woke up from his deep sleep.
I suggest that you PM some of the posters whose comments have helped you the most.
Welcome, I love your description of WTS detox. LOL
Thanks MUM for answering the question about Anghard.