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by mouthy 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Revelation book? or You can live forever on a Paradise earth??? LOL

    I just bought them at a BIBLE MISSION Store for .50 cents.I gave them a blast!!!

    I said "What is a Bible Store doing selling Cult books. ???" I got into a conversation with 3 of the
    women!!!( Volunteers )They all agreed that it is a cult but wasnt aware they were WT Books
    They said" wouldnt you think they were Christian by the Titles" I said "of course "

    They all took my card & said "They will be more diligent in future ,They offered to tear them up
    But I said "NO I will keep them so I can prove the wrong teacchings when I have a JW knocking
    .They KNOW I am living here & I am a wicked APOSTATE!!!!

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    Hey Mouthy (Isnt there another name I can call other than Mouthy?)

    Kudos to you for telling them and not destroying the books.

    I think it sets a bad precident destroying books for any reason. Especially when their authors are a bunch of Lunatics. If they go to the bother of putting it in book form it should be preserved that way they can't lie out of it later.

    A jewish born Man Named Heirick Heinne said that where books are burned (or destroyed) people will be burned also. Theses words proved prophetic durring the Holocaust of WW2.

    You probably are aware that the WT Society tells Elders that the Book "Shepherding the flock" should be destroyed when left unattended and not in the possession of an elder in good standing so that it won't be read by those they don't wish to read it.

  • mouthy

    You can call me GRACE Or as the Watchtower calls me "Undeserved Kindness"

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep


    You are much more polite then me. I go to book stores buy all JW crap and destroy. Kinda of a past time for me.


  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    Thanks mouthy I like Grace much better

  • DesirousOfChange

    Go get 'em!


  • Roberta804

    Hey there Grandma Mouthy! Your broom stick may be bigger than mine...... but I am the biggest, baddest, dog gone tootingin Apostate in these here parts.

  • mouthy

    But you "aint" as OLD as me are ya!!!!

  • TotallyADD

    Give them hell Grace. Love your story. Totally ADD

  • Roberta804


    I'm only 54, but a grandma of 4 all under 7 years of age. I started Thinking for myself at age 12 (thinking was very dangerous) and had my first JC at age 14 because I asked for clarification during a WT rag study. At every corner I was rolling my eyes (elder's words, not mine), showed lack of respect for men in general..... really only the JW men. Been out 25 plus years and I still daydream of mean little things I can do to the elders or KH.

    My best ones to date was putting gel fluid into the toilets and sprinkle purple rain on the floor in the middle of winter. They had to call a plumber to unclog the toilets and get new carpet. Oh and my most recent was to put a commerical grade glass vile of stink under the mat in front of the main door the night before the memorial.

    I don't know why I am so obsessed with terrorizing them.... maybe because they terrorized me all my growing up years. Mouthy are you are mean as me????

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