I had this logical fallicy tactic used on me by my wife. See: Argument from Authority on Wikipedia
You know how it goes. Brother X is a [scientist, university lecturer, doctor, banker, judge ... i.e. someone more intelligent than you are] and he believes that 1914 is the correct date, so it must be true. Obviously these weren't the exact words, but that was the gist of the conversation.
Now when I think back this very same tatic has been used by the Watchtower for many years, in talks, and in publications. I've seen it often used in experiences where one of the authority figures is converted by an uneducated JW.
When you think about it it's kind of absurd of them to use this logical fallicy considering the Watchtower's past/current stance on higher education. And their aguments for why laymen wrote the NWT.
On one hand they shun "wordly" knowledge and education. Yet on the other hand they use "worldy" educated scollars to add credibility to aspects of their faith.