the danger of apostacy

by inbetween 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EdenOne

    The greatest error, the fundamental error of the Jehovah's Witnesses, that haunts our entire system of beliefs is the heritage of Millerism. The rest is just men that are too proud to acknowledge their errors and an organization that became "too big to fail".


  • jhine

    Hi, first an apostate is simply someone who no longer believes in a faith system that they once believed in , nothing more , nothing less . The Bible says nothing about such people being diseased etc . This is only the spin that the org puts on this quite clearly as part of their mind control system .Yes by labelling people as mentally diseased it plants a barrier in the average JW mind that will keep them away from these people . The org can't have JWs talking to people who have realised TTATT can they?

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