New Job

by LouBelle 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    Well I have been up and down this year with this current company I work for. From the time they employed me they have paid me late, without explanation. I have been miserable coming in here. Currently I still haven't been paid for May (well only half my salary).

    I have been looking for other job opportunities as I want to find a more stable company that offers better job security. I have been offered a job with a media house. The basic is the same that I get now, but I get a petrol allowance, they pay towards my mobile and there is the opportunity to make commission. The job is in advertising - the field that I know and love. I am to start on the 1st of July.

    I am having a meeting in 10 minutes with my current employers to release me from my contract immediately (they have breached it every month and the trust is no longer there). I hope it goes smoothly without any hiccups.

    I also hope that the new opportunity pays off. I'm excited and nervous, but hopeful!

    I have been feeling a lot better on my medication and feeling stronger every day.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Good Luck with everything LouBelle!!!

    Glad you are feeling better.

  • TOTH

    I am sorry you are going through so much. I hope all goes well for you and that you get a really great job!

  • zeb

    How did you go?

    Big hugs

  • Honesty

    Good luck, LouBelle.

    I hope everything went well.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    i am so glad to hear that things are looking up :)

  • Jaidubdub

    Goid luk on new job, hope all goes well...

  • coffee_black

    I hope the new job works out for you!


  • mouthy

    Good Luck....

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    I am so happy for you! I have no idea what the law is where you live. Forget law for a moment, I was raised to always give many weeks' notice, finish all my work, scrub the floors, and clean vents before leaving. Typical JW nonsense. In America, unless you have a certain type of employment contract, you can be fired at will. So many friends have worked for many years and suddenly one day, they have no job. Furthermore, the company's lawyers and security guards escort them out of the building. What they can do to you, you can do to them.

    A friend could not take massive bullying so she called our placement office for advice. Try to give advance notice but if a job is endangering your physical or mental health, just walk. Think of yourself first.

    Anyway, you know what is best. We were brainwashed to be overly servile. My mom's big dream for me was to be a maid in a rich person's home. There is nothing with being a maid but most people hear about broader opportunities from their parents.

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