Friend With A Jehovah Witness For 5yrs?

by TheNurseInBlack 12 Replies latest social relationships

  • TheNurseInBlack

    It's basically what the topic says, the first two years we had a beautiful relationship. Religion never came up and we almost had everything in common. She did bring up religion (I don't know why if it was so important to her that she decided to wait 2yrs to bring up religion in the first place) after she started to try to preach to me the VERY next day once she realized that we didn't share the same beliefs. I brushed it off of course until it became more constant as we grew older. Eventually I decided to look into the Jehovah witnesses for what they really are so that I could fully defend myself when we decided to speak. Since then I've been able to win at every single debate and she no longer tries to discuss anything religious with me any longer. I'm guessing its to avoid me proving her wrong about anything but this leaves a couple of questions. I'm sure the first couple of times when she brought up her beliefs was to try to "save" me and I can respect that. But after awhile it seemed more like personal attacks the more we talked.

    This whole situation did make me see less of are friendship though. I can't stop thinking about all the negatives of her religion especially how they see outsider since we don't talk about religion anymore its hard to bring up how she really thinks of me. And it hurts me inside and caused me a lot of stress over the years thinking about it. I'm also wondering if anything I've ever said has gotten to her too. I feel awkward bringing up anything from her religion because it always turns into something it doesn't need to be. Plus I have anxiety even over the internet so it's just hard to speak about it . Any advice will do. I really do wish to continue being her friend.

  • LostGeneration

    Its hard to know exactly how "indoctrinated" she is from your description. Someone who doesn't bring it up for a couple of years initially is either embarrased, uncomfortable discussing, or inactive in the JWs.

    Now that you have laid a smack-down on her a few times, cognative dissonance sets in. She mentally has to jump through hoops to continue to believe in the Watchtower, and associating with you probably makes her nervous if she is still clinging to her JW beliefs.

    Do you know if she is active right now, going to meetings and out in field service? If so its going to be tough to be her friend, they are constantly being warned about having friends outside of the religion.

  • TheNurseInBlack

    She is currently active right now. She was born in the JW's and does go to meetings and does go to field services.

  • Comatose

    I wonder what she would say if you asked her if she thinks god is going to kill you and hundreds of millions of babies and children? If you ever have reached her that question should tell you.

  • TheNurseInBlack

    I wonder about that too Comatose. . .Makes me feel like shit just thinking about it. I don't know if I'm brave enough to ask something like that. Maybe because I'm afraid to know the answer?

  • TheNurseInBlack

    I wonder about that too Comatose. . .Makes me feel like shit just thinking about it. I don't know if I'm brave enough to ask something like that. Maybe because I'm afraid to know the answer?

  • sarahsmile

    This whole situation did make me see less of are friendship though.

    For a JW it would be see less of this person.

    Rule of thumb.

    As soon as you talked against the society you were considered MARKED and to be avoided. If you had too many debates.

    Normal good JWs are taught to walk away. Marking:You go off to Jesus at judgement day because the righteous believe in the good news. Most would not debate any more with you and shake the dirt off their feet feet then move on.

    It is a wonder that she talks with you so she is avoiding any religious issues.

    She has been preaching to you for three years turning in her time. They get sneaky and agree with you a lot so you will agree with them. JWs really are taught to not debate because they are teaching. They share information and it is up to you to believe or reject it.

    You rejected the good news she offerred.

    Do not be surprise that you get her JW friend to knock on your door.

    Trying to talk to JWs causes anxiety and will stress you out.

    Hard to be a true friend with them because they have motive and that is turning in time.

    In her mind one is not friends with the world.

    There are some JWs that do not practise everything. Fake JWs.

    They really are not suppose to have wordly friends. The ones who do are looked down on.

    She has been a friend for five years makes me wonder a few things.

  • sarahsmile

    I have been reading your other post.

    How did you meet your friend?

    Would you like to share so we understand?

  • TheNurseInBlack

    We met during school. I kinda just came up to her and we've been friends ever sense. Then I moved and stopped going to school so we only met like once sense then but we do talk everday on the phone and internet.

  • Heaven

    JWs believe that if you aren't a JW, you aren't going to make it thru Armageddon if you're alive when it hits. If you've already died BEFORE Armageddon, you risk not being resurrected. In other words, if you're not a JW you are not one of God's Chosen and you risk your eternal life.

    They have one agenda.... RECRUIT you if you're not a JW. Once you are a JW, indoctrinate you so you never leave and force you to recruit other people. Oh... and donate money as often as you can to the 'Worldwide Cause' .

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