DFing and shunning causes 22-yr old to murder friend

by Scully 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Phizzy asked, " How long will the U.S allow the first Amendment to limit other fundamental freedoms?"

    This happened in Canada.

  • Shador
    I'm amazed that someone hasn't yet "gone postal" over being DFed and shunned and grabbed his high capacity magazines, body armor, combat boots,etc., and paid a branch or KH a friendly visit...

    That's because I haven't been DFd yet.



    Andre is the same name used in many WBT$ storys..


    He`s jumped off the pages of WBT$ literature and into the real world..

    .......................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Scully

    @Violia and OUTLAW

    I didn't know that about the WTS's use of the name "André" - so I guess when they say "names changed", that's another lie too, huh??

    Mind you, it's been a while since I picked up a WT or Awake, and actually read it.

  • Scully

    Hi Nathan

    It was a very happy day, indeed, when The Supreme Court of Canada declared that a child's fundamental right to life trumps his/her parents' religious beliefs that would deny the child a life-saving blood transfusion (or other medical treatment that offends their religious sensibilities).

    Now if only we could get certain Muslims to stop the effing "honour" killings of their wives/daughters.

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