JWs are the only ones going door to door and restoring God's name.
by TTWSYF 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The bible says SO much about so many things. Is there an organization that does EVERYTHING the bible says? -
The key flaw in the logic of this threads tittle is that it presumes "jehovah" is the name of the god of the bible. It isnt. Therefore they are not "restoring gods name". -
The second flaw is that we're not expected to preach God's name.
Acts 20:20-21, the 'go to' verse to prove the door to door work says:
"...while I did not hold back from telling you any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house. But I thoroughly bore witness both to Jews and to Greeks about repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus."So the message should be "repent and have faith in Jesus", not "God's name is Jehovah".
Not even Jehovah's Witnesses do everything the Bible says. THEY emphasize going door-to-door. The Bible doesn't say that is the mark of God's followers. It says that the group back then included that, plus if you read some thoughts on that emphasis alone, like Ray Franz's books, you will find that the Christians back then may have been meeting "in private homes" instead of going "door-to-door." The Bible indicates that Christians should preach the good news, and I see street corner shouters with their microphones or signs doing it more closely to the way it was done in the first century. But shouting the word on television or radio fulfills that requirement also.
Some will say that the requirements for Christians are streamlined because Jesus freed them from "the law." Well then, many do the following:
- 1. Read and Study your Bible - Psalm 119:11, 105
- 2. Have a daily prayer life - 1 Thessalonians 5:17
- 3. Attend a good Bible believing church - Hebrews 10:24-25
- 4. Give money to the Lord's work - 2 Corinthians 8:11-12; Deuteronomy 16:17
- 5. Give yourself to some phase of the Lord's work - Romans 12:1
- 6. Refuse to partake in the old sins which God has delivered you from - Romans 12:2
- 7. Get to know Christ because too many Christians know about Him but they do not know Him intimately - Matthew 11:28-30
- That seems to be all that really is left for Christians as to requirements. There is plenty more about putting away anger and desire and lying and obscene talk and much more, but there is no firm standard as to how one would measure another person on those things, so each person would have to determine how he has lived up to all that. And the Bible leaves enough room for individuality, so that each person may decide which church to attend and how much money to give.
- I don't see it as that simple, but I am just one person with his thoughts. It also seems to me that each person must look to see if the church he attends has pastors that qualify according to the Bible at 1Timothy 3:1-13, 2Timothy 2:1-13, Titus 1:5-9, Acts 6:1-6, and despite being released from the Law, scriptures like Exodus 18:21-22 still apply for the pastors.
- But then you must decide how to really know if the pastors qualify or if the scriptures credited to Paul are authentic or added by the church later. I bail out at Paul's words at 1 Corinthians 15:14: If Christ had not been raised, your faith is futile..... but you may not allow that to be your guide if you want to be a Biblical Christian.
- If you want to remain a Biblical Christian, then you would subscribe to the notion that all people are sinners, and that all people fall short in their worship as Romans 3:23 states. You have to forgive and make allowances and recognize that no group nor any individual lives up to the high standards of the Bible.
Is there an organization that does EVERYTHING the bible says?
Like committing genocide and beating slaves for example?
Yes there is. They are called ISIS.
Ah, yes, but it is Rasta music blasting out of cars and in the bars praising JAH. No one but the Rastas is praising JAH in music wherever there is an amplifier. While the little empty suit baldheads go from house to house like Saul causing disturbances. I hope they repent like Saul did!
There is just so much wrong with the OP..JWs are the only ones going door to door and restoring God's name.
The bible says SO much about so many things. Is there an organization that does EVERYTHING the bible says?The name Jehovah is a 13th century Catholic Translation Mistake..
Jesus said "NOT" to go from House to House..Luke 10:7..
Doing something Jesus preached against..
So you can Advertise a Catholic Translation Mistake as Gods name..
Isn`t something to be Proud Of, "IF" your a Christian...
.........Jehovahs Witnesses Should Be..
.............ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES..................
James Mixon
Outlaw thanks, didn't realize that "Luke10:7".
Acts 20:20 many believe that Paul preached the gospel of the kingdom from house to house,
to those who were unconverted. But when the entire paragraph is read, starting
in verse 17, the proper meaning can be understood.
When Paul was sent to Ephesus, he called on the elders of the Church," saying
to them, "I..have taught YOU publicly, and from
house to house. He taught the Church leaders IN THEIR OWN HOMES. Paul did not
go from house to house, teaching whomever answered his knock at the door.
I'm sure this have been mention here before, but I missed it.
So what about stoning people or splashing animal blood everywhere?
James Mixon
I forgot, also looking at Matt.7:6 One can say Christ's teaching was that we are not
to force our belief's on anyone. "Do not give what is holy to the dogs: nor
cast your pearls before swine".
Who are the dogs and swines?????