How many people have you helped/facilitated to leave JWs?

by Julia Orwell 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Me: one, my husband, so far.

    If we all snatch one person from the Borg, will our numbers grow exponentially? I'm no mathematician.

    How many have you personally helped?

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    So far...none...but not for a lack of trying.

  • Diest

    0 so far but I did help a family of independent fundamentalist Baptists find the wonderful world of Atheism. Saved 2 little girls from being forced to be submissive and have overwhelming sexual agnst as teens.

    We all need to help somoene get away from organized religion, it is a snare and a racket....

  • laverite

    Hi Julia,

    We can't just go around snatching people up. They have to agree to come with you, or it's kidnapping..

  • EntirelyPossible

    Presuming there is just one of us....If you got 1 person out in year 1 (2 of you), then in year two you each get a person out (4 of you), then in year three you each get a person out (8 of you), so on and so forth, you would have 8 million+ people by year 24.

  • Simon

    My wife and kids + my younger brother. The rest of the family wouldn't even listen.

  • Simon

    BTW: I think 'helped / facilitated' is a good way to put it. As much as we want, it's simply not possible to make people leave or even convince them if they are willing to listen. Such is the nature of belief - it's completely irrational.

    Like someone in a coma, the best we can do is 'be there' when they awake.

  • 3dogs1husband

    Simon you are more then humble you have 'helped / facilitated' more then you will ever know.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    That's why I used 'helped' and 'facilitated' because you can't 'snatch' or 'steal' someone out of JWs, no matter what they believe otherwise...

  • Phizzy

    I suppose I can claim to have helped my wife leave, and to expunge all JW thinking (almost).

    I don't know if I have helped anyone else, I have planted many seeds in conversations that may well bear fruit later, if they haven't already.

    You are right about not being able to snatch someone out, to do so would also be more traumatic for them and result in a kind of PTSD more than likely.

    As Simon says, (ain't that a kid's game?) we can only be there for them when they wake up, I am actually going to use that phrase to JW's when I can :

    "I will be here for you when you finally wake up".

    As we all found out by finding JWN, it is a great comfort to know we do not have to journey on our own as we come out.

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