Amelia, Good one. lol
Just Lois
by goatshapeddemon 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Amelia, Good one. lol
Just Lois
When you are an inmigrant and you go to an economical supperior country it means that:
1) you went there to make money, not to work half time to do the minimum money and pionering
2) you are not where they need you most: the preaching work is doing nothing in the developed countries, they grow in the poor countries. So they need people to stay in the poor countries.
3) when you are in a developed countries, most of the problems that you saw and suffer everyday are gone, so the hope for paradise are less strong (and less needed)
4) when you move to another country, you lose your ties to the congregation (your friends) and they have less control over you (remember, they use your friends as blackmail)
5) you will find out in developed countries that you need education. And problably you will have the opportunity (and that can affect your cult training)
6) in developed countries are far more ways to spend the weekend and have fun!
7) in developed countries the people have better education, so they can make yourself dumb in the doors (and, after a while, you awake to the fact that you are not the bible expert that you think you are)
8) if you go to another country and sucess, it seems that you have any talent that they need to use (for free) where is needed (in the poor territories).
So, yes... It's easy to see why the want that nobody moves to improve their situation. It's an increased risk to lose a member, maybe a productive one.
What is their purpose (financial gain) for wanting immigrant JW's to return to their home countries and not go oversea's for work?
RUNNNG_AWAY summed it up excellently!
GSD: they told people in the morning announcements to bring your lunch from home so as to not to leave the convention site and thus avoid supporting the worldy outside vendors
So where did the food come from in the lunches everyone brought? How many JWs own a farm and grow their own fruits, veggies and livestock?
Obviously, they bought stuff from grocery stores and various other markets at home, aka: outside vendors, just not at in proximity to the DC.
What nutty reasoning.
It just seems more control and the need to isolate JWs from the real world as much as possible.
They actually are going to continute making the index but they'll have an online one too.
As for the food thing, this is nothing new. When they negotiate deals for convention facilities, WT gets a lower rate by not using the concession stands and workers. In many facilities the food is operated by a separate company. For example in many sports facilities Aramark is the one commonly used. By not having to use them, the facility costs less. However, the facility owners don't want people (for any event) to get food from anywhere else like an outside restaurant so they have to buy there. To appease the owners, WT promises that the JWs won't go out for food but bring their own lunches. When JWs go out for lunch they're breaking the agreement.
Is it dumb? Yes. I'm just posting the reasoning. Personally, I wouldn't mind having a fresh hot pretzel or some nachos from the concession stand on my lunch break :)
I'd much more easily be guilted into going to a DC if they served chicken tenders and bud light. I'm just saying.
Jws coming to town does assist the local economy in that they stay in hotels, buy dinners, buy petrol, pay for transport, and buy things from the grocery store to take to the dc. Like any group of people coming to a town for whatever reason, they pay their way. Of course they're not going to spend at theme parks and tourist things cuz they're in their convention, but in most of Australia the conventions are held in late winter-early spring outside of school holidays when the hotels don't have many guests anyway so it's good for them. Not good for the jws who gotta wear themselves out and spend all their holiday money though.
How did you manage to sit thru the assembly?
I remember family members taping assemblies, never could understand them.
Do you ever feel it was a was waste of time?
I used to try take notes but would end up doodling and in the afternoon walking along the concourses looking for someone to talk to. I never though they were a waste of time because I was a true believer, I liked catching up with old acquaintances, and of course the pageantry of it. Pluss it was a chance to forget about any work worries for three days. The content was crap but the whole experience coould be a lot of fun.
Looking back now I can see it was a waste of time and resources, but at the time I liked going. Mind you I converted in my late teens so I had no bad childhood memories of being dragged along and beaten if I mucked up.
My kids had their DC this weekend, they are missing tomorrow because they are going to summer camp. I asked them how the assembly was, they said it was just a bunch of dumb crap they did their best to ignore.