Satanus, I though I did a double post on this same thread, sorry I tried to delete the wrong one!
Why is there Evil? Atheist why has Evolution not eliminated it?
by ÁrbolesdeArabia 41 Replies latest jw friends
Define evil. Why capitalised?
You know what evil is, we come across of thread every now and than "Why does God permit evil or Evil?" So let's use that as our definition of evil, the same definition we are mad God does not eliminate from the Earth. Do you have a different defintion or can we use the same idea most atheist are angry God does not get rid of?
Using the New Atheist "Children starving to death from evil war lords in Somolia, Ethiopia, Sudan and other African countries who rape, pillage and slaughter others for being part of a different race.
Rape, Murder, Starvation from unnatural causes, thefts on a grand scale like Bernie Madoff, thefts by Big Banks, Cults that feed their followers Grape Flavorade with poison, serial killers, kids that go to bed hungry because greedy politicans fear doing the right thing. Stealing from the poor to give to the rich.
I don't mean to be pedantic but what do you mean by "Evil"?
We evolved from non-human ancestors. Our selfish genes got us this far. Our cousins are amoral - neither moral nor immoral.
Our particular survival strategy has been our excessively large brains that are capable of cooperation in large social groups. We have evolved the ability to rise above the "tyranny of our selfish replicators" to quote Dawkins.
However we are only partially rational beings as this forum demonstrates so often.
can we use the same idea most atheist are angry God does not get rid of?
No atheist is angry at god. Contemptible of the idea of an omnipotent, but apparently apathetic god perhaps.
AA - can you reinstate your opening post please?
J. Hofer
why would evolution "eliminate" things like that? evolution couldn't care less about it. it's a process after all, not some omnipotent loving know-it-all.
J. Hofer, you are not correct to say "Evolution does not care" why did Evolution put Altrusism into humanity? It served a great purpose to help the human race continue to grow. Evolution does care or we would not have people doing things to help humanity grow in knowledge and power.
If not evolution, what put Altruism into our brains or does it not exists? To push human beings towards a high form of being, some guiding force (Evolution, Invisible Hand, Something giving humans a kick in the pants to move forward) has added a few odd qualities to our minds that show we are not truly selfish beings looking to get our DNA into as many women as possible to further our own personal agenda. Where do qualities like Love and Altruism come from? They help the human race grow while "Evil" sets us back and might end up killing off all of us if some whacko creates some virus or other weapon to reduce our population to enable the elites to a planet with less people.
Altruism is a mechanism by which social groups become stronger. The social group provides protection, a regular food supply and the ability to find a suitable mate for all the individuals within it, those who want this protection afforded to them need to contribute to the group, those that don't are ostracised, and excluded from the group where their chances of survival and finding a mate are severely reduced.
There is no guiding force AA. Evoution is a blind process.
Cooperation works as a survival strategy therefore genes that promote altruism prosper in the gene pool.
J. Hofer
arboles, you don't quite understand how evolution works. you seem to confuse it with just another type of creator.
I can understand on a small or local scale how the benefits of altruism would help, but what about a larger scale when members of one country come together to help a famine strichen country or the hurricanes that tore up New York and New Jersey and the South?
There is no benefit for the local people to receive anything or compensation other than feeling good. We are not selfish beings, we are actually creatures who can attain great things when we pull together. There is no real reason why altruism is part of our make up, we both are speculating and do not know why that quality exists for a certianty.
There are animals who exibit this quality, if we were as selfish as Dr. Dawkins said we are, we would have left the sick and elderly behind to die more often than not. I read were there are bats that regurgitate food or blood into the mouths of sick and older bats that have not eaten for some time. It makes no sense for animals to exibit a quality that is going to slow down their species and take away food that could be given to the stronger animals or bats in this case.
You all have a good night, it's about Three AM and I best head to bed, peace to all you and sleep good or have a good day if your waking up for work. Hope you all stay safe, take care!