JEHOVAH'S WITNESS STUPID: a special category of ignorance
by Terry 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
Quote from the public talk today, which illustrates Terry's post:
"If you go to university you can still end up in a very poorly paid job"
Ok so tell me, If you don't go to university are you more or less likely to get a poorly paid job at the end?
The irony / sadness is, you cannot expect a poorly educated speaker or the poorly educated audience to see the flaw in this reasoning.
- The only escape they might have had passed them by.
There are in it to win it or die trying.
Like sad gamblers laying their rent money on the roulette wheel's spin--the JEHOVAH'S WITNESS STUPID person will go down their dark and lonely grave.....poor and defeated and--worst of all........ confident to the end of how smart they were!
This about sums it up! SW -
It is sooooo frustrating to hear an old Witness hanging in there pretty much knowing full well all the crap that has come down
but who still talks themselves into going down with the ship.
Is a REAL LIFE where you think for yourself actually that horrible to contemplate??
Apparently so!
label licker
My money is on the beetle. He's in a much better state of mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many JWs don't want to believe they've been taken by a decisive fraud.
They've invested themselves with steadfast arrogance and they know too what would happen
to them personally if they were to jump ship so they block out reality which ironically holds the "Truth" .
Once 2014 arrives you can expect a further heighten sense of anxiousness.
Yes, as we enter the year of 2014 I fully expect the Watchtower articles to be batshit crazy because
100 years of nothing but bullshit acts as an unavoidable disconfirmation of JW doctrine.
Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy year.
Thanks for your post!
The ones like my father; the ones who are not stupid - he was a successful businessman (hardly any of his clients knew he was a JW) and a clever man. Yet when I would ask him about some of the WTS beliefs (6000 year old earth, pyramidology, creationism, Jesus moonlighting as an archangel etc) he would say with full eye-contact that there were no controversies and that everything the WTS said was true.
It just wasn't up for discussion. That infuriated me - there was no way he really believed all that nonsense, but he fully expected me to.
These ones, who stay a JW despite knowing deep-down the founding members were bonkers and the GB are no more than psuedo-theologians - these ones have me baffled. They'd rather look totally stupid for the sake of saving face/controlling others.
The followers are victims, sometimes of the shunning policy, so I don't feel
like further victimizing them and calling them stupid, which might be taken for
a cranky editorial from any of the stances.---
I agree. Stunted interaction, socialization, employment and education skills because of a belief in something or someone is not new. A person born in has less capability to see outside differences and allow outside influences - someone who is not born in has perhaps other issues that not only drew them into the religion but kept them there. There are well educated JW's who although smart, being born in, still have strong ties to the core belief of the Society and remain locked in. I see their children as the victims in all this because no matter how well educated the parent is, if they hold fast to the religion as their core - then the children often end up home schooled and further isolated themselves. There are children who are victims of many forms of abuse - sexual, physical, mental and emotional - they aren't stupid but having been victims, a good percentage of them will never be free from the bonds of experience that stay with them a life time. Only a percentage of them are able to rise above the harm done to them.
I see JW's or anyone raised in a fundamentalist environment as a victim of that environment and the best path to release is removal from it. We have freedom of religious rights however, we don't like to recognize that fundamentalism and zealotry when heaped on a child, can in fact remove the freedom they might have had to choose a different path. sammieswife
Both men and women and whole nations are destroyed by a single wrong. The word "YES!"
The cleverness of the wrong is hidden in the camouflage of INVERTED MORALITY.
Willing participation is the entrance.
The evil of evil is the BLINDNESS of it by those committing it! And commit it they do IN THE NAME OF MORALITY.
Just think of it--who in their rational mind accepts SLAVERY willingly? And yet, Jehovah's Witnesses are gleeful slaves of Jehovah.
Significantly, this makes them slaves of the Watchtower leadership or GB whose demands for loyalty are absolute.
All over this world it is the good, the able, the men of reason, who act as their own destroyers by victimizing themselves
in vowing to SERVE Jehovah. Jehovah, as it turns out, is a Trojan horse built by men who invade the minds of 7 million kind, gentle and decent
human beings on planet earth.
This GB hiding inside the hollow construct of JEHOVAH create the lure by presenting the MORALITY of a New World Society.
The 7 million victims throw open the gates of their conscious reason and pull the Trojan horse inside.
And while reason sleeps....the GB bringeth forth MONSTERS! The "good" people who do evil deeds.
Camouflaged by sweet words of "love" and "peace" the 7 million are duped by their own thirst for virtue and let evil transmit to them the poison of destruction, thus gaining for evil the power of survival, and for their own values—the impotence of death.
There comes a point, in the defeat of any man of virtue, when his own consent is needed for evil to win—and that no manner of injury done to him by others can succeed if he chooses to withhold his consent. Any of us or the 7 million Jehovah's victims worldwide put an end to inverted moral outrages by pronouncing a single word in their mind.
I pronounced it. The word was “No.”