Letter to the local paper...again.

by tresdecu 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • tresdecu

    Last year I wrote a letter to the religion writer at the local paper. Didn't get very far...but thought I'd do it again. Can't hurt, right.

    Here it is:

    Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Last year about this time I wrote the guy who usually does the articles about the Watchtower convention (Sorry I can't remember his name) usually it's the same cut and paste, generic article that highlights the things the Witnesses want to get out there in print. I am a witness that no longer believes the current doctrine...In this religion that is like a death sentence. They do not allow dissent or disagreement. Doing so, can cause one to become shunned...lose friends and family. I know people that have committed suicide from the effects of being shunned. It's truly a destructive religion. Your photographer will take pictures of smiling, happy people...but some or many will be faking it, like me. There is no other option for us if we do not want to lose our families. I would love to see some research put into these articles and raise some of the concerning aspects of Jehovah's Witnesses. Just google 'Candace Conti'...or visit: http://jwsurvey.org/ to get some info about some of the current topics that will be presented at the DC. See: "Human Apostates" for example. Another great site is www.jwfacts.com These are written by former members who are shunned simply because they expose the duplicity of the organization. Thanks for your time! Tresdecu (I would love to give you my real name but that would get me exposed...and I would lose everything...sad...)

  • laverite


    Excellent letter. Too bad you didn't get a reply last time. I'm crossing my fingers for a better response this time.


  • Oubliette

    It's certainly worth a try. Keep us posted if it get any response!

  • whathappened

    I don't know why a newspaper wouldn't want to investigate this. It would be great.

  • clarity

    Good for you!!!!

    Some of us have good intentions, but somehow .........

    You get the admiration of George Carlin.....

    You don't fart around ... you get things done!


  • ABibleStudent

    Great letter tresdecu!!

    If you feel comfortable about naming the newspaper, what is it so that other JWN members may feel inspired to write to them?

    IMHO the WTBTS has probably hired publicits to place those cut and paste articles in local news papers and on local TV news. I like to think of them as infomercials. If you can find those articles on-line, you can also post your comments to them.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • ABibleStudent

    Damm double posts!

  • tresdecu

    La Verité...You added the accent marks and found me out, Oui...Je suis très déçu!!! ;-)

  • Goodstein

    I used to work in News Service (i.e. public relations) and as far as I know, we never paid publicists to include things. (Or hired them at all.) We just sent out a LOT of press releases, and occasionally got some bites. We would set up a little display of current JW literature for the media, and provided minders if reporters showed up (which happened sometimes, more often at the earlier conventions, since presumably they get tired of the same cookie-cutter press release stuff.) We would arrange interviews with known-good rank and file witnesses for them if they wanted, and generally ensure that they saw the best side of things, but were not actively deceitful.

    I do remember receiving explicit instructions to dodge the blood issue if it came up. It's unfortunate that they seem to realize it's indefensible, but don't act on that knowledge. (Without the blood issue, I don't doubt that I'd still be in and just having some doubts about 607 BCE and a few other things.)

  • laverite


    If it's in French, it can't escape me.


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