I am a Human Apostate, and so are YOU (YOUTUBE)
by Watchtower-Free 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Omg! Good to have this on youtube as a record of latest wt drivel.
Quick guys: what color are Stephanie's eyes?
Love this video. Such raw emotion and so well stated. This would be good to share on Facebook if my daughter changes her mind after her district assembly next month, decides she has to shun me.
good video
mind blown
Every thing she's saying "IS" the truth....
Perversion of a truth
Wow... This is great!! I watch it in it's entirety and I must say, , Spot on!
The Quiet One
Love this comment.. "Jehoshua4u said: 52 seconds ago Hey, its a journey from Spiritual darkness to Spiritual light. Wrong expectations may happen.But, it helps to be more patient enough and wait for Jehovah. That's exactlywhat JW's did. They still expect the end and that makes us active. let's say, We wait for Bus in a bus stop, presume the next bus would be ours, but wouldn't be. We don't give up, we wait and waitand finally bus comes. Similarly JW expected 1914,1925,1975 and still expecting the end. What's wrong in that? (Increased light)" ....If you're waiting at a place where there isn't a bus due, the bus service that you're waiting for has never even existed, and you won't listen to anyone who tries to tell you this..then you are stood there looking like a complete idiot wasting your life..Thats what is wrong. (this could probably be extended further, but I can't be bothered)
The Quiet One, that description sounds like Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Gogot".