Any JWs on here that still believe?

by cognac 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    It would be nice to start a thread with those people to reason things over in the bible. No name calling, no putting others down, etc.

    It would be nice to show this to my husband without him seeing things like, "If you were a REAL JW, you would not be on here to begin with." That line of reasoning puts up their defense mode, makes them feel guilty and they run right back into their safety net. I'm sure many people justify being on here because they are encouraged to test out their faith.

    Another thing he mentioned to me was that a lot of people say things like, "Jahober" and so forth. People were hurt and so saying things like that make them feel better. I get that. However, I feel it also makes JWs that visit this website think, "APOSTATE" and run away rather then seeing what wonderful people you really are.

    It would be nice to make people like that feel welcome and comfortable here. Or, maybe just have an area on this site for that.

  • Satanus

    Congratulations on your husband checking some things.

    I confess that i sometimes did stuff like that. It would be nice if xjws could always be respectful and refrain from language that dinegrates wt concepts. Most people here are in all stages of being jw to the other end of the spectrum, having left the jws yrs ago. They are like a support group and a therapy group. Therapy, effective therapy can become messy, at times. After people have passed through the various stages of denial, anger and deprogramation, then they can be respectful and considerate. I do vary my language, depending on w whom i am talking, w an effort to be considerate of where they are at.


  • Sapphy

    I think that's a lovely idea cognac.

    To have a respectful discussion with people who still believe elements of JW doctrine, or all of it, would be very useful.

    I remember when I was a baby doubter, basically it was only Blondie's review of the watchtower I felt comfortable reading. I was both scared and turned off by posters who would poke fun at the name Jehovah, like you mentioned, or who would be overly dismissive of (what I thought were) Bible based beliefs.

    C'mon lurkers, say hello. We're not that scary really!

  • cognac

    They are like a support group and a therapy group. Therapy, effective therapy can become messy, at times.

    That's very true and to be expected! That's why I was wondering if it could be a sectioned off place or start the thread names with, "JW" or something like that.

    Thank you for sharing your experience Sapphy. I'm betting there are a lot of people that have similar feelings.

  • Satanus

    'I was wondering if it could be a sectioned off place or start the thread names with, "JW" or something like that.'

    That is actually, a good idea.


  • exwhyzee

    I agree. I remember being kind of shocked at first by the language and off color topics made by some of our former JW brothers and sisters on this site. I'm no prude but I did think about how far those who left the organization had "fallen" or the level they had "sunk" to, when they made certain comments or used off color language. I get how angry some are at the organization but I'm still not comfortable with seeing Jehovah's name being mocked. I guess I'm still influenced enough by my JW upbringing that I wouldn't dare to speak disrespectfully about or Jehovah and possibly even the GB.

    Someone on here used the term Arm-A-Giddy-Bum instead of saying Armegeddon....I thought that was actually pretty funny. It appealed to the Jr. High sense of humor I still sometimes have.

  • SAHS


    “Someone on here used the term Arm-A-Giddy-Bum instead of saying Armegeddon.”

    I think that a more accurate word or term to describe Armageddon would be to just press the space bar a few times – just like the actual Armageddon of which it describes, there is simply nothing there; it doesn’t exist!

  • DJS

    Ditto. Civility and respect should be guding principles of this site and of our participation.

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk


    Sorry your husband feels the way he does. This board is not for the squeamish of heart. I for one, am disliking this board more and more. I have actually had more intelligent conversations with small local church groups than with this board. This is not the place for people who wish to still believe in God. They fail to see the bigger picture, who is actually behind all the religious lies. Because they have been lied to by WT they blame God. I for one have taken this opportunity to redefine myself and my relationship with God and his Son. ( It is now on my terms) I was the stupid one for not doing my own research, not double checking the source material, believing what I was told, for living in fear of WT. Although I did read my bible many times over I was still influenced by WT.

    I wont start any topics, and am very selective on which ones I post to. I feel this site has changed, and no matter how much Simon says he will watch over this site, one only has to go to the topic Crazyguy started about Evolution. Name calling and such. Without stoping to think about what crazyguy is saying the criticism starts. I rest my case.

    If you wish, you may PM me.

    Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)

  • EdenOne


    It's a tough crowd for an active JW, especially if one attempts to defend points of view that are in line with the WTS. However, once you get over the initial shock and some looking down from the part of some, you start to discover that there are many excellent people here with whom is perfectly possible to have civilized discussions about ...yes....even doctrinal issues. Like any discussion board, there are some rocky times, some language excess that could be avoided, some unecessary ad hominem attacks, and many ill-feelings towards the organization and its leadership. But if there's one good thing that the JW (ex or current) are, is that they are very decent human beings at the root level.

    And that is basically why I love being here - and yes, knowing the risks.


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